The Noah of this Generation

Genesis  6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.  6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

It was a time when humanity reached the point of no return, degradation was the norm of social behaviour, and thus, society was beyond repentance and in a state of self-destruction. 

God repented that he made man because man continually lives directly opposite His purpose for humanity. When man turns from the path that God intended they  should go, then God changes His relationship with man. 

God was sorrowful over the creation of man because He now had to change His relationship with man to one of destruction in the flood that was to come. The product of God's love, the creation of man, had now become the target of His judgment. 

However, Noah found favour with God because of his obedient faith. Of all the generation of the world, Noah was the only faithful found on the surface of the earth, him and his household. 

Despite the level of immoralities, corruption, evil practices that rules in the heart of men in those days, Noah still stood for God and  thought his children too His ways, so they also were not influenced by the wickedness and immoralities of the society. 

Their obedient faith gave then a life to live again when the wrath of God came upon earth. They survived the flood through the divine instruction of the Lord. 

The days of Noah is no different from the day we live in, wickedness has sited in the heart of many, immoralities of different kind has taken over the minds of both young and old, corruption, murder, kidnapping has become the order of the day. 

Yet God seeks for men like Noah, who will continue to uphold the righteousness and holiness of God, those that will speak the truth of God's word without fear, those that will condemn wickedness in the society and will teach their children the ways and pattern of God. 

Where are the Noah of this generation?, those that will not be afraid of the faces of men, those that can never be influenced by the riches and wealth of this world. 

God seeks for Noah in government, in civil services, among the youth, in our various churches, in business, in academic sectors and so on. 

Are you one of the Noah in this generation, who will build the ark of repentance and God's righteousness in the midst of this wicked generation? 

God is counting on you in every places you are... Don't fail God so He won't fail you when His flood of wrath chalk descend upon earth. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help me to be your representative in this generation in Jesus Christ name. 

3. As you are counting on me Lord, help me not to fail you in Jesus Christ name 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.