I have no One

John  5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

There was a man at the pool of Bethesda who was an impotent man for almost thirty eight years, he has suffered being impotent  for not having anyone to carry him into the pool once an angel come to stair the water.

He was surrounded by people yet no one could help, he was once a temple worshipper yet no one in the church was able to devote their time to help this man into the pool.

Jesus was passing by, and found this man at the pool, filled with compassion and love, he approached him and asked if he wish to be made whole. John  5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

His response was in an opposite direction of Christ's question, instead of replying in the "Yes" or "No", he replied  he had no one. He was subjected to the principle of being delivered which is to have someone who will help him into the river.

Although he had no one according to the nature of man, but grace found him. Christ is the grace that came to him and deliver him.

Christ  didn't ask any further, He prophecy unto him and grace delivered him from all infirmity.

To everyone who had no one to help them, to everyone who's family and friends had deserted, to everyone who feel alone in the struggle of life, Christ the grace of God is ready to fill the gap of loneliness, to deliver you from all problems, trouble, challenges of life.

You may not have anyone, but Christ will be your all, only if you surrender totally unto Him.

Yield to me today and your life will never remain the same.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name..

2. Lord, I have no one, help me in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, be my help in a time of need in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.