Better than the will of God

2 Kings  5:12 Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I not wash in them, and be clean? So he turned and went away in a rage.

Naamna the leper came to prophet Elisha for healing, so the man of God instructed him to wash himself in the river jordan seven times, as this is the channel through which God would heal him. 

But he refuted, became discouraged by the words of the prophet asking him to wash in a disgusting and unkept river like the river jordan, unlike the rivers of Abana and pherpar in Damascus, which are way better than any reiver in the land of Israel. 

Abana and pharper are better rivers than those in Israel in that they were mountain rivers of fresh water, whereas the rivers of Israel were lowland rivers that were often filled with the runoff silt of the lowlands. 

But Elisha's instructions were meant to humble Naaman. There was no ceremonial healing in the river Jordan before that time, and thus, the test that was given to Naaman by the man of God was to humble him before God. 

Just like Naaman today, many believers often reject the will of God through which he wants to bless us, or usher our steps into his program. We rather see the will of God as substandard or not too suitable for our life and living. By this we have something better than the will of God, whereas, He was testing our humbleness and faith in Him. 

Naaman was fortunate to have servants who urged him to heed to the prophet's word, and wash in the river Jordan that disgust him. River Abana and Pharpar which was better than the will of God could not heal him of his leprosy, but the disgusted river Jordan. if he had refused, he would have remain a leper for the rest of his life 

Whatsoever thing that is better than the will of God in your life will definitely become the worst experience your life will ever have

What better option have you chosen against the will of God for your life, either in career, ministry, marriage, decision making etc? ... It will never end well, contrary to the happy ending that is embedded in the will of God.

His Will will disgust you, it will irritate you, it will cost you some things you are not willing to lose, but the end will always be beautify.

What is better than the will of God that you have chosen  in your life today?... No mater how beautiful, good looking, charming or so true it may look, it can never end well...

As Naaman's servant today, I'm urging you to forego all other options that may seems better than God's will, so you can have your total healing, deliverance, breakthrough and goodness that your soul desire.

Nothing can ever be better than the will of God, it may have a beautiful begining, but its end will always be bitter. 

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, forgive me for neglecting your will for my life in Jesus Christ name

3. Lord help me to accept your will for my life in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. amen.