You are Different

Psalms  139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

The creation of man in the garden of Eden was a very wonderful and unique one, different from that of other creations, God put in extra effort, and cost him one of his spirit for man to be alive... What a wonderful God...

Even after creation man begin to procreate and dominate earth, the offspring of man has never been the same no matter how identical they may be, medically they are different and before God, they are are very very different.

Each and everyone of us is created uniquely and differently for a purpose, God gave everyone of us  wisdom, knowledge and understanding, talents and gifts in other for us to stand out in this world for His glory and for our survival.

Living our lives everyday, we are expected to discover our purpose in this world, and work towards it in other to stand out in fulfilling the will of God.

But sadly today, many are yet to discover their purpose neither are they confidently sure they are created differently... Some would rather wish to be like someone who has already discover his or her purpose.

King David acknowledged God's magnificent work on his life, for making him who He wants him to be, He was able to discover his purpose in life and work towards it... This lead him to being the second king of the land of Israel.

Have you discovered your purpose yet?

Daniel and the three Hebrews were able to identify themselves that they were different from every other taken captive.. Their act of identification made them successful and stand out in a foreign land. 

Copy cat destiny. 

1. I have seen many who have said they want to be like someone or their mentor... That's is a wrong and unwise thinking.... 
They would want to talk like their mentor, walk like their mentor, dress like their mentor... They try to shrink their life in the purpose and destiny of another while neglecting the divine purpose of their own life. 

Trying to be like someone else is an abuse of destiny... 

2. Many parent has mislead their children from the purpose of God for their lives, both in choosing career and whom to marry, forgetting that the purpose of God for their lives is totally different... And when they come across failure and not willing to further they blame the system.  It is not too late to start all over if you are on this table. 

No one is you, you are the only you in existence, live the life you are  created to live and you will never get lost in the crowd. 

You are different, you are unique, you are fearfully and wonderfully made... Discover yourself, both in God and in life, pursue your goal, pray along and success in yours. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another blessed day today in Jesus Christ name. 

2.  Lord, reveal to me who you have made me to be in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me to fulfil your purpose for my life in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. amen.