The Watch over the Watchmen

Psalms  127:1 ... Except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

A watchman is someone set to watch; a person who keeps guard, especially one who guards a building, or the streets of a city, by night. A watchman's primary duty is to thwart illegal activity at his employer's building or entire city

As much as some watchmen are fortified with weapons of any kind, in other to confidently carry out their duty, there are still cases whereby many are overpowered by both internal and external threat

In a time like this where those whom we depend on for safety are not sure of their own safety... Who then is the ultimate watchman?

Who have you chosen as your watchman?

We have experience situations where the most protected places are being attacked and defence system rendered useless...

We have seen people employ dogs to watch over them but at the long run the dogs sleep all through the night... Now who is the ultimate watchman?

In a time like this, when both spiritual and physical forces, diseases and pestilence fight against the safety of man, who or what do you look up to?

Do you trust your immune system enough to save you from any form of sickness or diseases?

Do you trust your technological defence system which you install in homes, vehicles and offices to save you in times of trouble?

Do you trust those your charms, idolatry sacrifices and incantations which you have memorise to save you in time of trouble?

As much as they work for a time frame, they have proven to be ineffective in many areas and they are limited as they are works of men.

God is the ultimate watchman who watches over watchmen...

God never sleeps no slumber, He was yesterday, He is today, and will be tomorrow... Psalms  121:4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

He has a track record of successfully watching over whatever committed to His hands.

1. He did with the Israelite..

Right from their journey to Egypt, He oversee their safety, protection and fruitfulness, and even at their Exodus from Egypt, He watches over them day and night, provided food and water, gave them victory over all obstacles on the way till they get to the promise land.

2. He never fail to raise Jesus Christ the third day.

Jesus Christ had committed his soul unto the hand of the father the greatest watchman while on the cross, and the same was restored the third day... What more can't He do?

The witch doctor that says nothing will kill you can die before you..

Your security details can be compromised

Your technology can be hacked

But only God stands forever...

The Bible says... Psalms  20:7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God, for because Proverbs  18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Who is your watchman?, when all the systems in the world fails, God never fails.

Trust in Him today and have nothing to worry about.

He is the watch that watches over the watchmen. 

God bless you.

Prayer Key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of a new day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, I do not want to trust in my understanding, watch over me in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me to trust you in all situations in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.