Don't miss your Time

Ecclesiastes  3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Time is the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues, king Solomon breaks the time of man's living down into segments...

A time to be born and time to die, time to sow and time to harvest,  time to wake up and time to sleep... Almost everything about man is programmed in time.. And our life is subjected to this.

Right from when we are born our life has been programmed and different actions are expected to take effect at each phases of time according to the will of our maker.

Consequently, there are many forces that obstruct the plan and program of God in our life both spiritually and otherwise.  These obstructions cause damages into the plans of God and Rob us off our progress in life.

One of such forces is SELF WILL..

Many of us are the architect of our own stagnancy, failure and downfall in life due to our self determination to obstruct the plans of God for our life.. And little did we know that these plans are guided by time and season...

Doing what you ought to do ten years ago now is not success but  a compensation to your failure.

God has presented many people with opportunities that will liberate and better their life and others in several ways, but because of self will, they miss these opportunities.

The lame man at the pool of Bethesda would have missed the greatest opportunity of his life if he had continued to tell stories he had acquire at the pool... But he was able to seize the opportunity and said to Jesus He had no one to help him..

The thief nailed to the cross with Jesus Christ missed an eternal opportunity, when the other was seizing the great opportunity, he was condemning Christ, and asking him to prove that He's God.. Just like many of us do today... Mockery and ignorance has made many to loose their helpers in life.

Jesus Christ could not preach nor perform miracle at his home town, because of over familiarity. They know Him to be Joseph's son, they know his mother to be Mary, they know all the stories that brought Joseph and Mary together..

Are you not doing the same today?, because of over familiarity you have missed those who could have helped you out of your sorrowful situation.

Imagine how many souls that would have been blessed through the ministration of Jesus in His home town, imagine how many sick that would have been healed and dead that would have been raised up... Just because of self will..

What about you that have been called by God, He has been speaking to you in several ways but you kept postponing the call... Giving excuses that doesn't amount to anything... You are only wasting your time not God's time.


Salvation has been preached to you, but your ways of life shows someone going to hell. You claim to be God's child, even bearing name with God, but sin has crept into your soul like the cancer in the body... God lives till eternity but you don't have eternity to make a decision.

Don't miss your time of salvation... Today may be your last. Check your life and living..

When you die, you have no time to repent from your sin.. Make use of the minute you  have now to confess your sin and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour.

Don't miss your time because to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

God bless you

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me not to miss my time in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, bring me back into your will wherever I have digressed in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.