Everyone will be Rewarded

Revelation  22:12  And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

There was a time after my study in school I went to visit one of my lecturer and I met her marking the exam script of  200 level students. After marking some script she told me to come see one particular script... 

The student had written letter inside his script stating that he doesn't actually understand everything thought in class, and she should have mercy to give him "let my people go". 

I busted into laughter and at the same time imagine how could a student do that, he didn't attempt any question, and in the same class there are students who scored good marks... My lecturer told me., "Lawrence, I won't have any mercy, imagine all my effort in lecturing, and this student couldn't come to me then, to explain his actual problem and never raise hand in class... He will surely come back next year to write again"

Whatever you write in your script, there is a reward for you. 

John the beloved was in the Island of Patmos when God revealed what will happen in the end of Days... And Christ said... "behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." 

You have been preached to, you have been taught how to live righteously, and godly in this world   

Many have been called as servants, ministers, Preacher of the Gospel, some an apostle., some priest, some have been privileged to erect churches, some have been called as missioners... Each and everyone will get their reward at the end. 

Nobody could identity the student among the other student when they were learning, but what he wrote in the script reveal the kind of person he was... 

What are you writing in the script of your life? 

What have you been doing with the time you have now? '

There will never be mercy that day... Jesus will never give you "let my people go" that day 

You have all the time to repent now, you have all the time to call the lecturer of life to explain some things you don't understand in His teaching now... You have all the time... 

As a pastor, are you pastoring well? 

As a minister are you ministering well? 

As an Apostle, how well are you using the office? 

As a believer in Christ, how well are you living righteously? 

As many of you that God has helped to establish churches, how well are you keeping the flock?

For everyone will have a reward that day. 

There will never be mercy that day. 

You have all the time now to review your script,  before you either submit or the time will stop on you..

Check your script of life now, review it, you can call the examiner now to explain what you don't understand because, you can submit anytime even before the end of the examination... 

He that have ears let him hear what the spirit says to the church. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help me to have a good reward the the you shall come in your glory in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me not to deceive myself in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.