Good parenting birth peaceful Nation

Proverbs  22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

A nation is a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory, this large body of people are made up of several families. So in other words, several families make up a nation.

We can have a peaceful nation if only we have a peaceful family trained up in a godly way, both in character and behaviours.

Every child represent a generation, and whatever you train a child to be will eventually become what the nation will continue to nurse.

King Solomon was wise enough to understand the purpose of bringing up a child in the way they should, and once they become an adult it will be difficult to change from what they have already known.

Dear parent, what kind of children are you bringing into the society?, it is not enough to know how to give birth, but to understand how to bring up a child  so well that they will not become a menace or nuisance to the society.

When the children of Israel came out of slavery, God gave them laws to guide them through peaceful and godly coexistence between themselves and Him. He emphasise that the laws be thought to their children and their children should do the same to their own children...  (Deuteronomy 11:19)

Are you a good parent?

The problem we have in the society today is not far fetched from bad parenting, carelessness, nonchalant attitude, broken marriages and so on.. 

A heart of a child is like a clean slate, and whatever you write on it stick to it forever once they become an adult. 

Joseph was trained well and was full of the fear of God before he was sold into slavery by his brothers... The knowledge he carries helped him to deny fornication with the wife of his master even  when he knows the consequences for his denial...   Can your children do the same in a foreign land where you do not live with them? 

Before a child can be corrupted by the evil of the society, what have you as a parent instill in their hearts?, what knowledge do they carry, what wisdom of God have you deposited in their hearts...   If you train them so well, they will never depart from it. 

Ask yourself, "have I not been a bad parent?" 

Armed robbers, bandits, kidnappers, terrorists didn't just fall from heaven, neither are they aliens, they have parents, they have family, they have a home they came from... But were they trained well? 

For us to have a better and a peaceful nation, we must first have good parents who train up their children in a godly way..

Are you a good parent? 

Think about it, for God will judge you how well you train your child. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help me to be a good parent in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Redden every child from the snare of the devil in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Heal our nation lord in Jesus Christ name. 

5. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name amen.