What is your Conviction?

Numbers  13:30 And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.

Conviction is a strong belief or opinion about something, it can also mean the state of mind of a person who is sure that what he or she believes or says is true

What is your conviction?

The scripture text above tells of the report of Joshua and Caleb who are among the spies Moses sent to spy the promised land.

Ten spies brought evil report to moses, even though they were not wrong in their careful examination about the citizen of the land they were promised... They saw giants, great men and they see themselves as grasshoppers before their eyes.. So they believe going to possess the land is a suicide mission.

But on the other hand, Joshua and Caleb reiterated that though the people were giants, but they can possess the land as God had previously promised..

Dear reader, do you know each category of the people actually got  what they deserve according to their convictions... The ten and many of their people do not get to the promised land, they died in the wilderness... But only Joshua and caleb got to the land and possessed it.

Let me ask, what is your conviction?

What have you concluded in your heart?  What are you afraid of and you have decide you can't go further than the level you already are.?

Would you rather believe the economy of the nation will hinder your blessings?

Would you settle for a life of poverty, just because your parents and grand parents have been poor?

Would you allow that stranger to take your place in your marriage?

Would you settle for the less, because you can shrink yourself into the situation? After all there is no situation you can't survive

What is your conviction?

Do you believe you will die through that sickness? Because medically those that had such cases surely die?

Have you concluded in your heart nothing good can happen to you in the country you are in?,

How do you see the present challenges you are in?, is it greater than the power of God or it's just nothing to be reckon with because God has won it already?

The more you magnify your problem, the more you belittle God and His powerful manifestation in your life.

David believed he will kill Goliahat, and he eventually did.

Joseph believed he will become the head... And he eventually did.

Elisha longed for the double power of Elijah... He got it.

The woman with the flow of blood for twelve years believed she will be healed by touching the garment of Christ... Lo, she received her healing

Whatever your conviction is, is what will be your testimony.

God works with your faith, devil works with your fear.

Choose right.

God bless you.

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus name.

2. Lord, I believe in you, and I trust you for victory in Jesus name.

3. Lord, I decree positivity into my life in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.