Evil Association

Proverbs 13:20 Be with wise men and become wise. Be with evil men and become evil. {LB}

Our salvation in Christ Jesus has redeemed us from the evil world and also redefined our lives towards godly living.

We have become a new creature and carried a new body of Christ's nature, both spiritually and physically.

Our success in life and in God is defined and engraved on our walk with God both in character, choice making and association

But sadly today, many believers who ought to shine thier light of salvation, righteousness and holiness has been overpowered by the darkness of wrong association.

Consciously or unconsciously many has lost their faith, identity and purpose in Christ, just because they associate themselves with wrong people, evil company and wicked friends.

God's mandate.

Psalms 1:1Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men’s advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God.

The Bible says blessing and joy is for anyone who do not follow evil men, who do not take evil men's advice, and do not hang around with sinners... Or those that scoff about the things of God.

You may not be an  evil person but you associate with evil doers, your company with them will make you also an evil person in the presence of God.

Danger of being with the Evil association. 

1. It redefined your destiny. 

The plans of God for our lives has always been good and perfect, but it can only come to pass if we follow diligently His ways and direction which He consciously unveils to us as we walk with Him. 

But the moment we deviate from such instruction and aligned with evil doers, the good plans of God will become invalid. 

Samson was a great man anointed with power from God to save the children of Israel from time to time... God did not planed he will die at a prime age, but because he associated with God's enemy, he's life was cut short and couldn't fulfil destiny as planed by God.  {judges 16:23-31} 

2. It renders you powerless and makes enemy to prevail. 

Have you ever wondered why your prayers are not answered, even though you are righteous, holy and godly.   The reason for unanswered prayers may be for the wrong association you are in. 

The story of  Achan and the war of AI is a perfect example... Ai was a very small city compared to the Israel, but yet suffered defeat in the first fight just because of the sin of one person who associated with the Israelite. 

Until He was discovered, exposed and killed before the Israelite could win the war against the city of Ai. 

Now understand this... You may not associate with evil company, but an evil person has associated with you, your family or business, and their presence in your life has become a Cancer to your body.. 

As long as you remain with them or they are associated with you, you will remain powerless and suffer defeat from any challenges or battle that comes your way. 

3. It hinders prayer to be answered. 

Proverbs 15:8 The Lord hates the gifts of the wicked but delights in the prayers of his people.

The verse above makes us understand that anything that comes from an evil person or a wicked person is an abomination to God, 

This is by extension to anyone who associates with evil persons..your prayers will be hindered, your gifts, sacrifices, worship, offerings etc are all abomination to God. 

Many marriages has broken today just because one party took counsel from the wicked. 

Many minsters of God has derailed today because they associated themselves with the minsters of the devil. 

Many businesses has fold up and crumbled just because of evil associations 

Many gifted and talented men and women has missed it in life and in God, just because they thought the company of the wicked will help their lives better than the plans of God. 

Way out.

2 Corinthians  6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

The only way out is to dissociate yourself from any company of the wicked, any evil association that has corrupt your good manners, and good plans of God. 

What wrong association are you in today?, have you noticed and don't know how to come out? 

The hand of the Lord is not too short to save, God is calling you to come out of them today, for His plans for you are good and not of evil to give you an expected end.

You can never please God nor becomes the best He wants you to be if you continue to keep evil company. 

Come out of them today and have peace. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name 

2. Lord, forgive me for taking counsel from evil men, and associating myself with them in Jesus name. 

3. Lord, save me from every evil assocation I am in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank yin for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.