Rebellion is dangerous

1 Samuel  15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

Rebellion is the defiance or disobedience against authority, its an act often resulting to violence or resistance against laws and order.

As humans we must have seen many cases of rebellion against government in other to unseat the present leaders.

After the creation of the earth, God gave man authority over every living and none living things that dwells on earth, yet man is answerable to the supreme authority of God.

Man rebelled against God in an act of disobedience to the constituted rule of "thou shall not eat from this tree"... This act brought about death, pain, hardship and all kinds of evil unto man.

Many of us sees rebellion as a public act of protest, violent display of anger against certain authority, yet many of us are rebellion against God and one another in one way or the other.

God told Saul to totally destroy the Amalekites, every living thing in the land must be destroyed... But Saul kept the king of Amalek and fat animals which he thought will be good for sacrifice unto the Lord.

Samuel said... His disobedience is an act of rebellion against God's command. Saul was not spared, he was rejected as king forever. (1 Samuel 15)

In what way are you rebelling against God today? 

As a believer who is binded by the constituted authority of God made manifest in His words, have you not rebelled against His laws and commands? 

Manifestations of Rebellion against God. 

1. Sin. 

You claim to belong to God, yet sin is not far from you, You appear godly but your heart is full of ungodliness, you speak love but your heart is full of hatred, people do not know the difference between you and an unbeliever, those who suppose to know Christ through you have vowed never to associate with your God, just because of your actions and reactions that negate the character of a true believer... My dear, you are a Rebel. 

2. Disobedience. 

You don't commit the well known sin, but you are there dragging your life with God, He has called you to be His mouth piece, an Apostle, a Missionary, a Teacher, Pastor or an Evangelist... But you refuse and rather settle for a circular job... Dear sir/ma, you have already rebelled against God. 

Maybe God has told you not to marry the person you claim to love, or God said you should wait, but you refuse and went ahead to follow your heart... My dear you have already rebelled against God. 

3. In marriage.

As a husband, you find it easy to cheat on your wife, forgetting the vows you made on your wedding day, you have rebelled against God that instituted marriage.

Dear wife, you know deeply those children are not your husband's,  maybe you took a shortcut because it seems God is delaying in giving you a child through your husband... Dear ma, you have rebelled against God who is the ultimate provider.

4. In the church

Dear board of Elders, church committees, Just because that minister of God do not dance to your tone, and is not ready to compromise his Faith in God, you wrote petitions against him which resulted to his dismissal... You have all rebelled against God.

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, no rebel will go unpunished, just as God rejected saul so also He rejects anyone who rebelled against Him... Except they repent.

Check yourself today, in what way have you rebelled against God... Has He not rejected you just as He did to saul?

You can still find your way back to God's kingdom, if you are willing to humble yourself at the feet of Jesus, confessing your sins and turning away from them..

Rebellion is dangerous, God hates it, don't engage in it.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus name.

2. Lord, forgive me in any way I have rebelled against you in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, save me to your side again in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.