Beware of evil Counsel

1 Kings  12:8 But he forsook the counsel of the old men, which they had given him, and consulted with the young men that were grown up with him, and which stood before him:

A counsel is an advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another, it comes from different sources, be it from a young person, old, educated or illiterate..

Nevertheless, there are bad counsels that lead to destruction and there are good counsel that lead to fruitfulness and success.

No doubt, no one is an highland of knowledge, we grow through others' wisdom, either directly or indirectly, so no one can say he's free or above being counselled.

Today, the focus will be on evil counsel... How well are you conscious of evil counsels brought to you? Do you always examine them consciously before you make your final decision?

Such is the case of Rehoboam, who first took counsel from the Elders of Israel on what to reply them when he was asked, what shall be the nature of his reign if made to be king.

A very good counsel was given, but he forsook it, and went after the counsel of His mates, his besties, those he grew up together with.. And that counsel lead to the division of kingdoms in the land of Israel.  It cost him a lot, and also loose all to a servant.

What counsel are you taking today and from who?, are they godly counsellors and are their counsels godly?

Do you have the spirit to discern a good counsel from a bad one?

Just because they are your talk mate or bosom friends does not mean they have good counsels or mean when for you.

Many has taken wrong counsels from friends concerning their marriage, and that has destroy their homes today.

Many took a wrong counsel and their destiny and purpose in life becomes truncated.

Not every counsellor have a good counsel

In a world of many motivational speakers and counselors, many preach what they never do or will never do, as long as you pay for their services.

Many singles has lost their God given spouses, just because their friend do not like him/her, so they advice he/she to say no to his/her proposal.. Meanwhile it was out of jealousy

Always rethink, pray over every counsel, don't just ruch into making decisions after every counsel... When the result comes, you alone will bear the burden.

No matter the counsel given to you, even if it comes from your mentor, pastor, priest, or anyone you hold with high esteem, always pray about it, seek God's mind towards it, because there are many men of God who speaks from flesh.

Remember Ahitophel, he was a great counsellor and was appointed as one of the trusted King's adviser, even the bible acknowledged him that whatever he counsel comes to pass... But he later gave a wrong counsel about a child of God... It was God that put him to shame.

Don't be satisfied with people's opinions quickly especially on critical issues of life, always seek God's mind..

The best counsellor who will never make mistakes is the Holy Spirit. Get acquainted with Him, and you will never regret it.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, give me the wisdom to discern a good counsel from an evil one in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, enroll me into your school of thought in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name, amen.