Growth in God's way

1 Timothy 4:15 Put these abilities to work; throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone may notice your improvement and progress.

Growth is the act, process, or a manner of growing; the development; gradual increase of size or stage of development:

The physical growth in man is characterised by increase in body size, why spiritual growth is characterised by the increase in  knowledge and understanding of God..

As much as we desire physical growth, there are some things that can hinders our growth, which can deform our body... Such are malnutrition, diseases, birth defects or a result of a tragic incident.

To attain the stage of maturity in Christ, one must follow the principles of growth in God, else one will be deformed, malnourished or even become spiritually imbecile.

Principles of divine growth.

At Birth. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

We become a new being in God when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal saviour, this redefined our nature from old nature to a new life in Christ, forsaking the life of sin and having a life of holiness and righteousness in Christ Jesus...

Note, one can be deformed at birth when you only want to identify with Christ but not willing to do away with your old nature of sin.. Such people are only Christians and not believer.. Some even becomes ministers with zeal for the house of God, but at the end, they will not be accepted by God.

At infant. (2 Timothy 2:15)

An infant is not feed with solid food else, you will kill the child...

As a baby in Christ, you must be feed with the milk of God's word, telling you of the goodness of God which is evident in the scripture. 

This process of learning will become the foundation of our faith, which every other belief will grow on.   Any defect at this stage will cripple the growth of such believers..

This is the  stage where many churches missed it.. They teach church doctrine instead of the doctrine of  Christ, they preach self instead of Christ, and in the process, such believers have the consciousness that Christ or God only resides in their church and their church practices is the only way to heaven, many even see their pastors as the only mouth piece of God.

The early Church were  not only following the doctrine of the apostles but they were also rooted in the doctrine of Christ which is the foundation  of the doctrine of the apostles... In so doing, when there be a separation from the Apostles, they are still confident in the truth and knowledge they have in Christ through the Holy spirit, and they also believe the God of the Jews is also the God of the gentiles, no discrimination in the body of Christ.

At Adulthood. (Act 2,3)

Once you have the understanding of the word, you ask for the Holy spirit... For three and half years the disciples were with the word (Christ), He thought them on the foundation of faith, the power and grace of God, the ways and principles of the Father, but that alone did not stop Apostle Peter from denying Christ neither did it stop Judas Iscariot from betraying Christ either.

In other for the word to grow and bear fruit, one must be filled with the Holy spirit, he will keep nourishing the word of God in us so as to bear fruits of the spirit which is excepted to be evidence in the life of every believer

At maturity. (Act 4)

This stage in God is where a believer must consistently grow and develop in the wisdom of God... There are several things loaded in this stage.

As a believer, filled with the Holy spirit, we continue to grow by asking for the power of the Holy Spirit, which will help in fighting the war against the kingdom of darkness

After the early Church received the Holy spirit, they further asked for the spirit of boldness, also they receive the sprit of love and care for one another... To the point that, each and every one of them lacks nothing.

Attaining maturity in Christ and God is not only limited to the men and women called to preach the gospel... Maturity in Christ is expected of Every believers...

Ephesians  4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:  4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

The question is, are you growing God's way or you are malnourished by the false teachings and principles of your church?,

If the fruit of the spirit is not evidence in you, then you are not growing God's way.

If you cannot see Every Christian Brethren as your beloved brother or sister, then your growth has default.

If you cannot identify a true teaching of the Gospel but accept any teaching given to you, I am afraid you are not growing God's way..

If you do not believe the words of the scripture but rest your faith on anointing oil, miracle water, protection sticker sold to you... I'm afraid, you are not growing God's way..

The balance diet of the spirit is found in studying the word of God  and having the holy spirit in you which will consciously and consistently interpret what you have read to you according to the mind and purpose of God for your life.

Ask yourself, am I growing the way God really wanted?, does my church doctrine helps in my growth?... If there be any doubt, go on your knees, talk to God in prayer and ask the Holy spirit to help you grow..

1 Timothy 4:15 Put these abilities to work; throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone may notice your improvement and progress.

Growing in God's way is the best balance diet for spiritual living.
God bless you.

Prayer key

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me to grow in you and you want me to in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, every area I have missed it, call me back to track in Jesus name

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.