God's glory in your Groaning

1 Samuel  1:10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore.

Many are times we wonder why God delays in answering our prayers. So many time we even imagine why do we have to experience what we are experiencing,  despite the fact that we live a holy,  righteous, God's  pleasing life. 

Many of us find ourselves in a situation far beyond our control even when all our living has been for God and His works alone.

But little did we know that God most time intentionally wish to manifest His glory in our lives,  through what we are experiencing.

God intentionally shut the womb of Hannah (1 Samuel  1:5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb.)

Her womb was shut,  not because she committed a sin. It was not because of any medical complication that made her unable to get pregnant

But her womb was shut because God have a purpose.

The purpose was not because she was the most righteous..

The purpose was to find a replacement for Eli the priest..

God could have answered her prayer earlier enough if that was His purpose... Many of us would say... But how many mothers would be willing to rededicate their child/children to God?

God was in search of a woman who will be willing to rededicate her child back to Him.

Yes,  Hannah has been praying,  but not answered, just  because the purpose of her prayer was yet to be met. Remember God works with the motives or our heart before the confession of our mouth

She may have been praying for a child in other to take revenge on her rival Peninnah.... Surely to the thinking of man.

But when it was time,  God Himself  stared up Peninnah to frustrate Hannah in other to push her to the very level God wants her to reach. 

And finally,  she prayed the prayer God has been waiting for, her heart surrenders to the will of the father...

What you are going through as a believer in Christ may actually be  for God's glory to manifest,  but your prayer is yet to be answered because you are yet to reach the level God wants you to reach,  both in prayer and desire. 

Consider the man borne blind from his mother's womb, medically you would say it was some sort of complication during pregnancy, but the Lord replied the disciples who asked "was it because of sin?", that it was for God's glory to manifest.

Whatever you are going through, both inborn or experience while living may be for the glory of God to manifest.

Do not give up,  friends may turn enemy,  family may desert you,  but remember God may be using them to push you to where you need to be.  (Remember Joseph and his brothers.  They contributed to his success.)

That delay may be for God's glory
That failure may be for God's glory
That sickness may be for God's glory

Don't give up in prayer by asking God for His will to be made known in what you are passing through. 

You are almost there to manifest God's glory.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, help me to understand your will in my groaning in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, let your glory manifest in my afflictions in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen..