The Unlimited God

Revelation  1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Our God reigns from everlasting and will also reign till everlasting, because before the beginning began He has been in existence, and when the end shall come, He will continue to exist.

Limitations are conditions, restrains, a stop sign, which prevent something from going further or prevents an event from happening

Limitations can come from different areas of life, both physical and spiritual inclusive.

Today we talk about the Unlimited God.

Have you ever wondered if God is actually unlimited?, have you been in any situation or are you experiencing any problem presently and you have come to a conclusion that God's power is limited on your issue.?

May I tell you today that God is not limited and can never be limited by just an atom of your problem compared to the mighty problems God had solved in the past..

God is the Almighty,

Almighty in power over all kingdoms both heavens and earth, principalities, domains, spiritual forces etc...  Nothing has never and can never limit Him in manifesting His greatness.

The scope of your understanding in God is the level of His manifestation in your life.

Let's check some instances.

God was not limited in power by commanding the exodus of His people from the land of slavery... He not only used mighty means to save, but also used common and unwise things, which negate the understanding of man.  {blood, frogs, boils, locusts, lice etc  Exodus 7-9}

When you look around and you think there is nothing God can use to save you with, you are only limiting the power of God, because everything around you is more than enough weapon in the hand of God.

David had the most experiencing manifestation of God, who wroth in the power of God in little things and was also saved by unreasonable tools.. 

Jesus Christ who is God personified on earth was not also limited by any things during His ministration heart.. 

He was not limited by hunger, which could have brought shame and disgrace to His ministry, He prayed on five loaves of bread and two fishes... Behold it fed more than five thousand souls. 

He was not limited by demons and evil spirit, He commanded and bind many in many lives. 

He was not limited by death and the grave...He died. And  even in death, He still performs wonders, and at His resurrection, the grave could not hold Him back... So He has power to save, heal, bring to life and turn your situation around. 

Whatever you are going through now financial breakdown, marital problem, business failure, sickness or whatsoever. Is nothing before God compared to what He has done in the past. S

Janet Alabi Abiola said " If you have the misconception that it is more spiritual to be poor, then your expectation for what God can do financially will be greatly limited",  

if you have the misconception that it is more spiritual to suffer or be in problems... My dear... You are missing the dimension of God for goodness, peace, greatness, success, fruitfulness and enjoyable marriage etc. 

your knowledge and faith in God, will either limit His manifestation in your life, or makes Him unlimited.. 

There are many wonders God did which are consciously recorded in the scripture, read them, and believe that the same God of Old is still the same God of this generation, because He is the alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending... 

Change your motive and understanding about God, get the knowledge that He is able and powerful to save and deliver you from that dead end situation you are. 

Magnify God and not your problem. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord I thank you for the blessing of another day. 

2. Lord, as I have read in the scripture, prove in my life your unlimited power in Jesus Christ name. 

3. As I trust in you, let me not be ashamed in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.