A Changed Story

1 Kings  17:12 And she said, As the LORD thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die.

This was the story of the widow of Zarephath, who had noting other than a last meal in the home, of which she believed after eating she will die together with her son

Meanwhile God had chosen her to feed Elijah for years to come, because of the draught that came upon thier land.

How confusing would that be for someone who had nothing, no hope from anywhere, to now become the source of living not for herself and her son alone but also to another person.

What situation could be worse than the one you get into and all you could think of is death

The economy of the city had failed, rain stopped, no food, there was famine, everywhere is dry... No family member could help this woman, not even from her late husband's family, she was rejected to stay all alone.

You can imagine the agony of a mother to conclude that she's ready to watch her son die, while she follow

But God came to her rescue

A person who doesn't have became prosperous to the point of giving to others.

A cursed person became blessed and blessing to others.

Her story changed, she no long die, but she live instead... Not living in penury and bitterness but living in joy, happiness, and abundance.

Even though there were hardship and hunger in other places, even though people of her city were lamenting of the bad economy, yet she lived in fullness and abundance.

What situation are you in and you think the end has come?, what are you going through and you think death is the only escape route?

Have you concluded in your heart that you can never make it again because of so many failure and disappointment you have experienced?

Is there any situation in your family that has become a pain in your heart, and you think that is how you will continue to live with it?

May I tell you today, that God is ready to change your story.


1. Jesus raised a widow's son, she thought the end has come, her only hope of survival has gone, they were already going to the grave to bury him, but Jesus interrupted the ugly situation and bring back to life the hope of the woman... Instantly her story changed.  (Luke 7:11-17)

2. Jesus stilled the storm when He was traveling with His disciples, the twelve had thought the end has come, they even challenged Jesus of He care less that they would die.. But at the instance Jesus stood up and decree, the storm stopped... (Mark 4:38-41)

3. Did you know that Jesus Christ resurrected?, yes, though He died for three days, but He resurrected the third day.. Death could not hold Him, the grave could not stop Him.... Do you ever think He cannot bring to life anything that is dead in your life? (Mathew 28:3-8)

Whatever ugly situation you think you are, God is able and is ready to change your situation for better...

Are you barren for years?, God is ready to give you more than a child

Has your business crumbled?, God is Reviving it today in Jesus name.

Are you struggling with a terminal disease and the doctors has given you the likely time you will die?  God says you will live beyond in good health and happiness in Jesus Christ name.

Is there anything you have longed to have but all you see is disappointment?, God said this is your time, no more disappointment in Jesus name.

But Note.

The widow couldn't have been blessed if she had not believed the words of God from the mouth of the prophet Elijah.

Today trust in God, believe the words of the prophet coming to you today, conceal it in your heart, and walk according to the righteousness and holiness of God... Leave the rest for God to handle..

As you begin to put your trust in God alone, your story is changing in Jesus Christ name.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, surrender unto you all my burdens, pains and sorrow in Jesus name.

3. Lord, I trust in you and believe the words of your prophet, change my story today in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen