Follow His detailed Instructions

John  2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.

From age to ages God has been giving man instruction which helps to live a godly and  peaceably with fellow humans... Some other instructions are way of saving us from one challenge or the other..

For us to fully please God and experience His full manifestation in our life we must be ready to fully follow and obey whichever instruction He gives us.

But sadly, many only follow instructions but not fully or in details, this has resulted into God's anger, defeat, shame and failure in several ways.

Mary the mother of Jesus understand the power behind the instructions Christ will give, so she instructed the servants to listen and obey whatever He told them to do..

And when the time came., Christ instructed they should fill the jars with water... If they had done otherwise the miracle may be withheld..

Lot was asked to leave the land of Sodom and Gomarah and never to look back. Though they left sodom as instructed, but Lot's wife looked back.. She never take a step from that spot till today... Because she didn't obey the instruction fully.

Moses was asked to use His rod to touch the rock so there can be water for the children of Israel... He was not told to scold them, but first he scold them and call them names, and latter use the Rod to beat the rock with force contrary to the instruction of God... He didn't pass that place to the canaan land..

Saul was asked to destroy every living thing in the land of Amalek, both man and animal, but he didn't obey the instruction fully, he was rejected by God and his kingdom given to another.

What about those that obeyed fully the instructions of God..

Noah did as was instructed he survive the flood

Abraham was told to leave his country, he did and was blessed 

Israelite were asked to shout round Jericho, the wall fell after obeying detailed instruction 

Naaman was told to wash in the pool of Jordan seven times, he did as instructed and was cleansed of leprosy

Jesus Christ told Peter to launch into the dip for a catch, he did as instructed  and caught multitude of fish...

My question to you today is, are you obeying God's instruction for your life fully?

Maybe that's why your prayers are not answered..
Maybe that's why you don't have breakthrough
Maybe that's why your business is not progressing.

Whatever instruction God give you, either you understand it or not, just obey, the result will always be miracle...

You can never please God or enjoy His wonderful benefits if you fail to obey God's instruction fully.

Check your life today where you are missing it.. Make amends and see God in action in your life.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, forgive me for not obeying your instructions fully.

3. Lord, help me to trust and obey your instructions fully in Jesus Christ name

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.