Be Concerned

Galatians 6:2 Share each other’s troubles and problems, and so obey our Lord’s command.

God is the God of all, He created all and loves all the same... His desire is to bring everyone back to Him again, just as He planned it from the beginning. 

In extension of His love, He sent His son to die for everyone, that through His death everyone who believes in Him can be save. 

Salvation came to us by grace , not by work or merit, it was perfected by the grace of God.  {Ephesians  2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:} 

But as much as we are saved, are we concerned about others who are yet to come to the knowledge of the truth? 

Does it bothered our heart when we see others wallowing in sin day in day out?, are we moved with compassion to preach the love of Christ to them, which was first extended to us by grace? 

Many of us live a life of being holy and does not have anything to do with sinners, either they die in sin or not is not our priority, yet we forgot that we were once sinners before we come to the knowledge of the truth. 

Jesus Christ our saviour was once moved with compassion. 

1. The woman caught in Adultery. 

John  8:4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.  8:5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

Jesus was not encouraging the woman in adultery and thereby give her an opportunity to continue... 

But Jesus was concerned about the hypocrisy of the scribes and pharisees who live their life according to the law but sin secretly.. 

It takes two people to commit adultery, but they only brought a party to Jesus to judged, where was the man caught in adultery with her? ... He didn't judge her but reprove her action and command her not to do such again. 

Are we moved with compassion when believers fall into temptation and sin?, are we concerned about sinners who has not known Christ?

Do we not judge also like the pharisees and the scribes?, do we not separate ourselves from them?  The question is are we anyway better? 

2. Fed the five thousand 
Mark  6:34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.

Jesus was moved with compassion for the people, after they had been following Him for long, hearing the words of God from His mouth. 

He was concerned about their welfare, what to eat, and He did provide for all who were present according to the grace of God. 

Dear pastors of the church, how many times are you moved with compassion about the welfare of your church members?, all you care about is what they bring to church. 

Do you not know that preaching the words of God alone is not the commission God has called you to? ... You must also be concerned about their wellbeing. 

How about you, who is not called to be priest and pastors, how well are you concerned about the wellbeing of your neighbor, colleagues at work, friends at school... Or you are only concerned about people of your race, religion or denomination?,  the love of Christ is not in  you of you neglect those around you. 

Many ministers  condemn other minister because they thought the other party practices sorcery, so they rather isolate themselves in other not to tarnish the image of Christ which they  think they carry . 

May I ask, how many times have you gone on your knees to pray for the person to come to the knowledge of truth? 

How many times have you been concerned about the numerous members who you thought are in darkness? 

Who do you glory in them to go to hell when die in sin that you claim of? 

If your light can not reveal their darkness then you have no light at all. 

This is the time to have a reasonable thought if we are really working for God. 

There many waiting to hear the words or encouragement from us. 

There are many who wants to have our embrace of love 

There are many who wish to be counselled by us 

There are many who needs our hand of love. 

Preaching the Gospel and being a believer is not in reading the bible and delivering wonderful sermons alone, ... It is in our character of love and compassion. 

The love of God is not only for the Saint, it is for everyone... 

Many people died in sin just because of your holy holy attitude 

Be concerned about everyone... You never can tell, your act of holiness and religiosity many not level up to the requirement of heaven yet... So stop deceiving yourself. 

Express the love of God  to everyone and not just some sets of people. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, help me to be concerned about others in Jesus name. 

3. God, help me to love all as you have loved in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.