Cross before Crown

Matthew  16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Becoming a follower of Christ gave us guarantee of eternal home with some other benefits promised by the father. But these benefits are not possible if we do not patiently follow the pattern of the life of Christ.

Carrying our cross is one of the major pattern of Christ that every believer must follow, without this, there is no crown waiting for us there above after rapture.

Jesus was speaking to His disciples on what must befall them as a true follow of Him,  what they must endure. what they must forsake, and what they must deny for the sake of Christ.

There are many crosses to bear if we expect to wear crown in heaven

Jesus was not just given power both on earth and heaven if not for the sacrifices he had endured for the sake of our salvation 

So also if we must wear crowns in heaven and identify ourselves as a true believer of Christ, we must endure same cross. 

Different Crosses we must carry. 

1.  The cross of Truth 
Those that will serve God must serve Him both in faith and in truth, this truth is expected to manifest in our daily life and around us, even to everywhere we may find ourselves... 
We must speak the truth always, live the truth and let the truth manifest in all we do even if the world says otherwise, this can take away some things from us, it can restrict us from some benefits in the world, but we are sure of heaven's gain 

2. The cross of persecution 
Christ said the world will hate us for His name sake, this happens to the first disciples, they were Persecuted for preaching the Gospel. 

So also, we shall not but be Persecuted for the same... Many are already Persecuted, many will still be Persecuted... But in all, we must have the hope that the crown of life will given to us on the last day.  (James  1:2)

3. The cross of Holiness and righteousness. 

This cross is expected of every believer, we must stand out in the corrupt world, we must not fit in, at our places of work, in our business, at school, in our neighbourhood... We must must remain holy and righteous... 

We must not be carried away by the sinful nature of the world, we must keep checking and rechecking our garment if it  is still spotless and clean worthy of God on the last day. 

4. The cross of soul winning 

This is the commission of every believer, the cross we must carry daily, bringing the lost back to the kingdom, by this many also will know the truth of Christ and have access to the father. 

There are many other cross, but with the little listed, how many have you carried, how many are you carrying, 

If you fail to carry your cross here on earth there is no crown waiting for you in heaven. 

As many that are carrying their cross, don't be discourage for God shall reward every of your Labour of faith. 

Don't cut your cross, don't trow away your cross. 

Before you wear crown, you must carry your cross. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, help me to carry my cross till the end in Jesus name. 

3. Give me the strength Lord and the grace not to look back in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen