Hold firm your Faith

1 Corinthians  16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

We are in a world full of counterfeit products, some even looks exactly like the original, but taking a clearer look and deep sense of understanding one will realize they are fake and not genuine.

So also this is applicable to the faith we have received in Christ Jesus, Christ is the only true source of our salvation and the only way to God the father, any other way leads to the devil. 

Apostle Paul was giving a final instruction to the believers at Corinth, on the danger of false teachers, wrong teachings and doctrines, false apostles and prophets who will come in the name of the Lord to deceive the believers for their selfish gain or for deceit of the devil.

Just as it was predicted by Jesus christ in the book Mathew 7:15, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."   now we have them among us deceiving the babies in Christ and even those who have grown in faith.

Though there are situations of life that can make you doubt your faith in Christ, there are troubles and challenges that may doubt your love for Him, these situations can make you lose the consciousness of the spirit and fall into the wrong hand, but if you hold still, and believe the challenges are only temporal and God is able to end it, then you will be glorified.

Do you hold the true faith?

Before you can hold firm the faith you have received, you must first ask yourself, is what I'm holding the true faith? , is it the true teaching of Christ?... "2 Corinthians  13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?"

How to hold firm the true faith.

1. Study the word of God...

Don't just live by the words of men of God alone, don't just be directed by the commands of prophets alone... The word of God is made available to everyone, it is not hidden... When you study the word, you have the understanding of God's mind towards you and will never be tossed to and fro by any doctrine or words from false teachers and prophets. 2 Timothy 2:15

2. Be filled with the Holy spirit. 

Many believers only accept christ but are yet to be filled with the Holy spirit, it is the holy spirit that will teach you all things pertaining to life... It is the holy spirit that gives understanding to the words of God you have studied... Without the holy spirit in you, it may be difficult to identify a true man of God, and a true teaching. John 14:26

3.  Be connected to God always. 

Many believers only get intimate with God when they are in trouble, they only pray when they want something from Him, spiritual life can never be balance if you only have an annual schedule with God... 

God demands constant and consistent intimacy with Him all the time...so that in these, He makes His mind known to us... And if we are taught any teaching, He will caution us through His spirit on what to do.

The question is, how well are you intimate with God, do God normally speak to you?, do you have a dual communication with God?... If your answers are No, then you need to work on your faith. 

Many think it's only the ministers, pastors etc that God speaks to... May I tell you God speaks to everyone, your relationship with Him will determine His level of manifestation in your life. 

The world is full of men of the devil disguising as men of God, deceiving people... Hold what you have received and be vigilant. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help me to grow in you to the level of your satisfaction in Jesus name. 

3. Help me Lord, to hold firm in you till you come or till I meet you in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.