
Showing posts from July, 2021

Don't miss your Time

Ecclesiastes  3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Time is the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues, king Solomon breaks the time of man's living down into segments... A time to be born and time to die, time to sow and time to harvest,  time to wake up and time to sleep... Almost everything about man is programmed in time.. And our life is subjected to this. Right from when we are born our life has been programmed and different actions are expected to take effect at each phases of time according to the will of our maker. Consequently, there are many forces that obstruct the plan and program of God in our life both spiritually and otherwise.  These obstructions cause damages into the plans of God and Rob us off our progress in life. One of such forces is SELF WILL.. Many of us are the architect of our own stagnancy, failure and downfall in life due to our self determinatio

God's glory in your Groaning

1 Samuel  1:10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore. Many are times we wonder why God delays in answering our prayers. So many time we even imagine why do we have to experience what we are experiencing,  despite the fact that we live a holy,  righteous, God's  pleasing life.  Many of us find ourselves in a situation far beyond our control even when all our living has been for God and His works alone. But little did we know that God most time intentionally wish to manifest His glory in our lives,  through what we are experiencing. God intentionally shut the womb of Hannah (1 Samuel  1:5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb.) Her womb was shut,  not because she committed a sin. It was not because of any medical complication that made her unable to get pregnant But her womb was shut because God have a purpose. The purpose was not because she was the most righteous.. The purpose wa

You are Different

Psalms  139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. The creation of man in the garden of Eden was a very wonderful and unique one, different from that of other creations, God put in extra effort, and cost him one of his spirit for man to be alive... What a wonderful God... Even after creation man begin to procreate and dominate earth, the offspring of man has never been the same no matter how identical they may be, medically they are different and before God, they are are very very different. Each and everyone of us is created uniquely and differently for a purpose, God gave everyone of us  wisdom, knowledge and understanding, talents and gifts in other for us to stand out in this world for His glory and for our survival. Living our lives everyday, we are expected to discover our purpose in this world, and work towards it in other to stand out in fulfilling the will of God. But sadly today, many are

The Watch over the Watchmen

Psalms  127:1 ... Except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. A watchman is someone set to watch; a person who keeps guard, especially one who guards a building, or the streets of a city, by night. A watchman's primary duty is to thwart illegal activity at his employer's building or entire city As much as some watchmen are fortified with weapons of any kind, in other to confidently carry out their duty, there are still cases whereby many are overpowered by both internal and external threat In a time like this where those whom we depend on for safety are not sure of their own safety... Who then is the ultimate watchman? Who have you chosen as your watchman? We have experience situations where the most protected places are being attacked and defence system rendered useless... We have seen people employ dogs to watch over them but at the long run the dogs sleep all through the night... Now who is the ultimate watchman? In a time like this, when both spiritual a

Don't doubt God

James 1:6 But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to tell you, for a doubtful mind will be as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind; Doubt is to be uncertain about (something) or to believe that (something) may not be true or is unlikely to come to pass Many of us has found ourselves in the doubting room when we face a hard situation in one way or the other. Although we confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and believe in His words, but our conviction about Him changed when we face the hardest phase of life. Some people's faith become wavering after they had prayed and it seems the prayer is not answered because they want instant answers to their prayer, not knowing that God makes things happen in His own time according to His glory. Abraham once doubted God...   After God spoke directly to Abraham to remind him of His covenant of giving him a son,  Abraham laughed and doubted the promise of God, because he had been waiting for a long time...

Who are God's people?

Matthew  7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. From generation to generations God has been choosing people for himself, those that will represent him, those that will continually have intimacy with him...  In ages past He chooses Israel to be His own people, giving them laws and commandments to follow, protecting them with supernatural powers and divine provisions... Guiding them through priests, prophets and Kings. Shortly after God instituted a global family, which is founded by the blood of His only begotten Son, that whosoever can join this family has automatically become His very  people. In antioch, this family of God was given a name, and it spread globally, this people are well known to be God's people because of the character of Christ the son of God was found in them. But today, it is very difficult to differentiate God's people and people of the fles

Everyone will be Rewarded

Revelation  22:12  And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. There was a time after my study in school I went to visit one of my lecturer and I met her marking the exam script of  200 level students. After marking some script she told me to come see one particular script...  The student had written letter inside his script stating that he doesn't actually understand everything thought in class, and she should have mercy to give him "let my people go".  I busted into laughter and at the same time imagine how could a student do that, he didn't attempt any question, and in the same class there are students who scored good marks... My lecturer told me., "Lawrence, I won't have any mercy, imagine all my effort in lecturing, and this student couldn't come to me then, to explain his actual problem and never raise hand in class... He will surely come back next year to write again" Whatever you wr

Good parenting birth peaceful Nation

Proverbs  22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. A nation is a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory, this large body of people are made up of several families. So in other words, several families make up a nation. We can have a peaceful nation if only we have a peaceful family trained up in a godly way, both in character and behaviours. Every child represent a generation, and whatever you train a child to be will eventually become what the nation will continue to nurse. King Solomon was wise enough to understand the purpose of bringing up a child in the way they should, and once they become an adult it will be difficult to change from what they have already known. Dear parent, what kind of children are you bringing into the society?, it is not enough to know how to give birth, but to understand how to bring up a child  so well that they will not

Kindness brings Breakthrough

2 Kings  4:9 And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually.   4:10 Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall; and let us set for him there a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick: and it shall be, when he cometh to us, that he shall turn in thither. Kindness is  the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care are words that are associated with kindness. Our text today is the story of a Shunammite woman, who was able to notice Elisha the prophet passing by her house to Shunem for ministration. She first offered him food whenever he's going back after ministration, this continued for some time but she is still not comfortable, she pressed further to have a room prepared for him that perhaps ministration could be tiring so he could take a day or two rest before going back.  What a heart of kindness.. Note: 1. This woman is barren w

Follow His detailed Instructions

John  2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. From age to ages God has been giving man instruction which helps to live a godly and  peaceably with fellow humans... Some other instructions are way of saving us from one challenge or the other.. For us to fully please God and experience His full manifestation in our life we must be ready to fully follow and obey whichever instruction He gives us. But sadly, many only follow instructions but not fully or in details, this has resulted into God's anger, defeat, shame and failure in several ways. Mary the mother of Jesus understand the power behind the instructions Christ will give, so she instructed the servants to listen and obey whatever He told them to do.. And when the time came., Christ instructed they should fill the jars with water... If they had done otherwise the miracle may be withheld.. Lot was asked to leave the land of Sodom and Gomarah and never to look back. Though they left sodom as in

Faith and Work before Blessing

James  2:14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? Our God is a very hardworking being, this was revealed in the creation of the universe, working for six consecutive days, other forms of His work is divinely revealed through His magnificent power ruling both heavens and earth... By this He commanded the first human on earth to work that by this, he will survive... Man wouldn't have had problem that will lead us to pray for increase or miracle because whatever man propose to do is divinely permitted by God, and they are to fall into their rightful place.. But the sin of man brought about the curse of working so hard before eating, or struggling so hard before being blessed... Man result to pray for increase and blessing on whatever we plan to do... And the medium for answered prayer is faith. On several occasions many tarry in the place of prayer holding their faith but refuse to work, they want blessing but are laz

It is not the End

John  11:4 When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. The end  is the final stage of everything, but when it comes to God, it can be a new beginning. Jesus was just given a distress call that  His beloved friend is sick, and by implication they wanted Him to come and perform His miracle as He always do... But Christ tarries, rather He sent a text message back that the sickness is not unto death. Few days after, Lazarus died, Jesus was called again, to at least pay a visit, perhaps He can still wake him up when the body of lazarus is still fresh... But still, Jesus Christ tarries. After four days, Jesus embark on the journey, and Martha  approach Christ and said, the body is already four days... Meaning there is nothing more Christ can do, its ready a dead end. But the miracle worker says, its a new beginning... To the Knowledge of man its never possible but with God all things are possible..

Beware of evil Counsel

1 Kings  12:8 But he forsook the counsel of the old men, which they had given him, and consulted with the young men that were grown up with him, and which stood before him: A counsel is an advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another, it comes from different sources, be it from a young person, old, educated or illiterate.. Nevertheless, there are bad counsels that lead to destruction and there are good counsel that lead to fruitfulness and success. No doubt, no one is an highland of knowledge, we grow through others' wisdom, either directly or indirectly, so no one can say he's free or above being counselled. Today, the focus will be on evil counsel... How well are you conscious of evil counsels brought to you? Do you always examine them consciously before you make your final decision? Such is the case of Rehoboam, who first took counsel from the Elders of Israel on what to reply them when he was asked, what shall be the nature of hi

Cross before Crown

Matthew  16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Becoming a follower of Christ gave us guarantee of eternal home with some other benefits promised by the father. But these benefits are not possible if we do not patiently follow the pattern of the life of Christ. Carrying our cross is one of the major pattern of Christ that every believer must follow, without this, there is no crown waiting for us there above after rapture. Jesus was speaking to His disciples on what must befall them as a true follow of Him,  what they must endure. what they must forsake, and what they must deny for the sake of Christ. There are many crosses to bear if we expect to wear crown in heaven Jesus was not just given power both on earth and heaven if not for the sacrifices he had endured for the sake of our salvation  So also if we must wear crowns in heaven and identify ourselves as a true believer of Christ, we must

Watch what you say

Ephesians  4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. There are so many forms of power that exist in the life of a man, but the one that easily have effect on our life is the power of the words that comes from our mouth. There is authority in what we say, especially when it comes from the depth of our heart. The Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks... But have you taken consideration of what comes from your heart to your mouth, which eventually becomes the weapon of war you shoot out? Many of the problems we get into today are mostly caused by what we have decreed on our lives knowingly and unknowingly... These words has become life that fight against our destiny day after day. Checking the lives of many who had used the words of their mouth to changed the destiny of others... 1. Noah... Genesis 9:21 Genesis  9:24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew

Divine providence

1 Peter  5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:  5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. God is the creator of heaven and earth, and everything that occurs in the universe takes place under Divine Providence — that is, under God’s sovereign guidance and control. Because God governs creation as a loving father, working all things for good. Even though in this process of His sovereign guidance, man tends to obstruct His plan, purpose and objective due to sin and self will... Yet He always find a way to bring man back into His divine providence in His love. God is not a wicked father but the stubbornness of man has brought evil and suffering upon man right from creation to this generation. God gives wisdom to benefit man, natural resources for man's living, food for growth, herbs for food and healing, among others... God has always been our providence and we have always been in His Divine plan and purpos

What is your Conviction?

Numbers  13:30 And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. Conviction is a strong belief or opinion about something, it can also mean the state of mind of a person who is sure that what he or she believes or says is true What is your conviction? The scripture text above tells of the report of Joshua and Caleb who are among the spies Moses sent to spy the promised land. Ten spies brought evil report to moses, even though they were not wrong in their careful examination about the citizen of the land they were promised... They saw giants, great men and they see themselves as grasshoppers before their eyes.. So they believe going to possess the land is a suicide mission. But on the other hand, Joshua and Caleb reiterated that though the people were giants, but they can possess the land as God had previously promised.. Dear reader, do you know each category of the people actually got  what they deserve

Hold firm your Faith

1 Corinthians  16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. We are in a world full of counterfeit products, some even looks exactly like the original, but taking a clearer look and deep sense of understanding one will realize they are fake and not genuine. So also this is applicable to the faith we have received in Christ Jesus, Christ is the only true source of our salvation and the only way to God the father, any other way leads to the devil.  Apostle Paul was giving a final instruction to the believers at Corinth, on the danger of false teachers, wrong teachings and doctrines, false apostles and prophets who will come in the name of the Lord to deceive the believers for their selfish gain or for deceit of the devil. Just as it was predicted by Jesus christ in the book Mathew 7:15, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."   now we have them among us deceiving the babies in Christ

Where is your heart?

Matthew  6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The heart of a man biologically is where life resides, which sustains the living of any person..., but consequently the heart of man has been characterized in the Bible as man's inclinations and personal will that we have in making decisions. The heart of man is the rational will coupled with the emotional desire. This personal will defines our relationship with God, weather we are for God or we are for the devil, irrespective of who the body represent.  Where is your heart?  Considering the story of Lot... In Genesis chapter nineteen It was a time God decided to destroy the city of Sodom and Gomarah, but out of love He commanded that Lot and his household to leave, and never to look back on their way.  But his wife looked back... "Genesis  19:26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt", even though her body left Sodom, but heart still resides there, looking at the t

Rebellion is dangerous

1 Samuel  15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. Rebellion is the defiance or disobedience against authority, its an act often resulting to violence or resistance against laws and order. As humans we must have seen many cases of rebellion against government in other to unseat the present leaders. After the creation of the earth, God gave man authority over every living and none living things that dwells on earth, yet man is answerable to the supreme authority of God. Man rebelled against God in an act of disobedience to the constituted rule of "thou shall not eat from this tree"... This act brought about death, pain, hardship and all kinds of evil unto man. Many of us sees rebellion as a public act of protest, violent display of anger against certain authority, yet many of us are rebellion against God and one another in one way o

The day of the Lord

Isaiah  13:9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. The day of the Lord is a day dedicated for God's judgment, a time when He will Judge the sinners according to their respective works. This day will be proceeded by great torment and troubles, calamities and pain... The sinners will never have an escape route, all works in secret and darkness will be exposed.  2 Peter  3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. No one knows the time, day or year this will happen, but it can happen anytime, it may happen now, it may happen before the end of the year...  But how well are you ready, if the day comes now as you are reading this message...  The day has come to many who are already d

Be Concerned

Galatians 6:2 Share each other’s troubles and problems, and so obey our Lord’s command. God is the God of all, He created all and loves all the same... His desire is to bring everyone back to Him again, just as He planned it from the beginning.  In extension of His love, He sent His son to die for everyone, that through His death everyone who believes in Him can be save.  Salvation came to us by grace , not by work or merit, it was perfected by the grace of God.  {Ephesians  2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:}  But as much as we are saved, are we concerned about others who are yet to come to the knowledge of the truth?  Does it bothered our heart when we see others wallowing in sin day in day out?, are we moved with compassion to preach the love of Christ to them, which was first extended to us by grace?  Many of us live a life of being holy and does not have anything to do with sinners, either they die in sin or not is not o

The Unlimited God

Revelation  1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Our God reigns from everlasting and will also reign till everlasting, because before the beginning began He has been in existence, and when the end shall come, He will continue to exist. Limitations are conditions, restrains, a stop sign, which prevent something from going further or prevents an event from happening Limitations can come from different areas of life, both physical and spiritual inclusive. Today we talk about the Unlimited God. Have you ever wondered if God is actually unlimited?, have you been in any situation or are you experiencing any problem presently and you have come to a conclusion that God's power is limited on your issue.? May I tell you today that God is not limited and can never be limited by just an atom of your problem compared to the mighty problems God had solved in the past.. God is the Almighty, Almighty in

Pray without ceasing

1 Thessalonians  5:17 Pray without ceasing. Prayer is an act of communication by humans with the sacred or holy God, Before the sin of man in the garden of Eden, man was in spirit, and was able to have the presence of God... God always come down in the cool of the evening to have a communion with man, these process was to strengthen the intimacy of man with God. But after the sin of man, we lose that communion, even though He still speaks,, but the appearance of God like in the garden was lost. God desires an intimacy with us, He wish to communicate with us, and the only medium of communication is provided in prayer. Many only understand prayer as a time to  receive from God, or you only pray when you are in trouble. Prayer is like a routine maintenance of a car, you don't wait till it breaks down before you do the needful... Prayer is a continual process of intimacy with God and a pattern to be in His presence. Kinds of prayer Worship and praise.  This kind of prayer is to  acknow