Say no to wayward lifestyle

Jeremiah 3:22 Come back to me, you wayward people. I want to cure your waywardness.

To be wayward is to turn away from what is right or proper; it is a willful disobedient. As much as God created us in his own likeness, He never denied us the ability to do whatever we desire to do. But In love He gave us laws that will guide our lives in the path of His righteousness. Nevertheless, this ability has made us turn away from the loving God.

Waywardness is turning away from the love of God and embracing the nature of sin, the life of the children of Israel is a typical example of waywardness.

With a mighty hand and showing of signs and wonders God brought them out of slavery which they have been for over four hundred years. After their redemption God gave them laws to guide them through, but consistently they commit waywardness, on several occasion they neglect the God of their fathers and go after the gods of thier sinful neighbouring nations.

Yet, God says... Come back to me, you wayward people. I want to cure your waywardness. (Jeremiah 3:22). God's love is endless, He loves everyone and do not want anyone to perish. He called in the time of prophet Jeremiah, so also He's calling you now.

Your waywardness might be drug addiction, prostitution, fornication, lies, armed rubbery, internet fraudster, pride, adultery, money laundry, murder, hypocrisy or  gossip... Whatsoever it may be, no matter how broken you may be, God is ready to fix you back to the best you should be.

Waywardness makes Dina to bring shame unto the house of her father, she went down to see the daughters of the land of the Hivites, she was raped and defiled, her garment of honour and dignity was torn and destroy. (Genesis 34:1-6)

It also destroyed the lives of Eli two sons, they never walk in the ways of the God of their father, they choose to behave like the sons of rebellion, they lived a reckless life and their end was shameful. They died without fulfilling purpose. (1 Samuel 2:12)

Many are influenced by evil company  Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God.   (1 Corinthians 15:33-34).

For you to be fixed, you must detach yourself from them,  from evil friends, evil associates, evil co-workers, evil neighbours etc. Your circle must change and your purpose in life must be redefined.

Say no to wayward lifestyle

Waywardness stairs up the anger of God, it sent the children of Israel to babylon, many died and didn't return, it was His anger that destroy Sodom and Gomarah.... The consequences of waywardness is perverse. But He said in Hosea 14:4  “I will heal their waywardness
and love them freely. for my anger will turn away from them.

What are you waiting for?,

Jesus is calling you to have a change of heart today, He is calling you to drop those bad and evil habits and embrace a new life of peace in Him.

Being wayward will cut short your life and makes you become an enemy of God. Now is the time to surrender all to Christ. 

Say no to wayward lifestyle, else it will destroy you.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, forgive me for being wayward to you and my fellow humans in Jesus Christ name

3. Lord, save me, give me a new life, help me to become better in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.