A better Tomorrow

Proverbs  23:18 For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

Life can be cruel and things may not go as planned, sometimes, life has never be as we projected, there may be difficulties, delay and disappointment, there may be rejection and demotion, all is still in the today and not tomorrow 

Whatever you are today is not what you will be in the  tomorrow, today always end in darkness but tomorrow always come with a shining bright light.

The life of Mephibosheth was a definition of a better tomorrow, He was rejected and forsaken, to the look of man there is no hope anywhere for him, to make matter worse he is a crippled young man who cannot even stand to make his own life better.

He  came from a wealthy family being the son of Jonathan a onetime Prince of Israel and grandson to Saul, onetime king of Israel, but that does not influence his life in anyway better. Neither his father nor his grandfather left anything for him in their will for him to survive on. He had nothing whatsoever. In fact, things were so bad for him that he was living with someone because he didn’t have money to rent or buy a place of his own.

But when the better tomorrow came, the grace of God found him through David the King, the ultimate search began, he was located and his life changed for the better, the latter days of his life was full of peace and enjoyment. He dined and wined with the king till his death.

In another was the story of Joseph, a young boy with a dream of becoming great in life, he thought his life wound be smooth, easy and fast, but life turns around and his visions was obstructed, he was sold into slavery, though found favour to be made chief slave of his master, yet it didn't last long. He was sent to prison the second time.

His experience could lead many to depression, it can make one stop serving God, it can make on loose hope and faith in all the promises of God for one's life, yet He continued steadfastly in believing in the promises of God.

The tomorrow came when the king wanted an interpreter for his dreams, no one else could fulfil the King's desire except Joseph in the prison, he was brought out, his garment of prisoner was changed, he was presented to the king and never leave the King's side till his death. 

I don't know what you are going through, I don't know how painful and disappointing today is, but I'm telling you that there is a better tomorrow 

Your life may be full of tears, reproach, sorrow, rejection, delay, business crack down, disappointment, unproductivity, debt and shame, but the Lord says "For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off." (For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.(proverbs 23:18)

As long as you trust in God and believe in his promises, a better tomorrow is coming for you, a new life, a new dawn of greatness and unlimited testimony. 

Joseph didn't loose hope, he continued in prayers and faith in God, he didn't die in the prison and he didn't set his eyes on  the garment of prisoner taken away from him when he was brought out of prison again. 

Don't breakdown before your  breakthrough, your better tomorrow is coming. 

You will surely testify in Jesus Christ name. 
God bless you. 

Prayer key:. 
1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help me to trust in the bitterness of today for the expectation of a better tomorrow in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, let not my expectations of a better tomorrow be cut short in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.