Jesus Christ, a Miracle worker and not a Magician

1 Kings  18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

There has always been a misconception of the difference between magic and miracle, there is a supernatural power that resides between them which nullifies the knowledge of natural science and technology. 

In order to differentiate  the two, we must answer the following: in  whose power was it done, to what  purpose was it performed  and it is to  whose glory? 

"Magic is the use of  various elements of psychology, science, optical deception, and physical manipulation to achieve the appearance of breaking the laws of nature. It is using the  natural means to create the appearance of the supernatural. A miracle is a true changing of the natural order. It is a happening that can only take place through the hand of God". (David Knights) 

When God was about to deliver the children of Israel from the hand of pharaoh in Egypt, Aaron's Rod turned to snake according to the direction of God, but so also did the Pharaoh's magicians... The difference is, Aaron didn't turn his rod to snake for pharaoh to believe he's powerful, but to show him that there is a God in heaven powerful to do anything to save... Unlike the magicians who imitate God’s power to maintain Pharaoh’s standard of living and build their own prestige. 

In like manner was the contest between prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal. 

They both gather to perform what one calls magic and the other miracle, one to show forth the glory of the true God  and the other to show forth the glory of a statue made by man and also to maintain their prestige before their mortal king. 

The contest was aimed at exulting the one true God, after Jezebel and Ahab had compelled the people to worshiping idols. This contest was not in bid for Elijah to promote himself as the most powerful, but he saw himself as a tool being used by the most powerful and true God. 

Each had an Altar, and have the same item of sacrifice on it, the power to show forth is for each of them to call down fire to burn the sacrifice without using the natural means of making fire... 

This didn't go well with the prophets of Baal numbered up to four hundred and fifty. They were disappointed as they couldn't call down fire, or better still their god couldn't send down fire. This resulted into their death. 

But for the only true miracle worker, God did send down fire from above even after water had been poured severally on Elijah's altar, it did burnt the whole sacrifice including the water as if it was fuel. At the end God was promoted and exulted, not Elijah. 

Jesus Christ in whose name God manifest his power in miracles is a miracle worker and not a magician... Of each of the miracles He performed on earth, God was at the center and He alone was glorified. He didn't seek for His one glory but the glory of the Father in heaven. 

For miracle to happen, the source of power must be God, the purpose must be God and the glory must be to God. Anything other than this is magic and this can only give man glory not God. 

Many ministers today claim to perform miracles, even though God has given them the gift and power, but were the miracles done for the purpose of promoting and exulting God? Or it was for the purpose for them to be known and referenced as the most "powerful man of God" 

Many miracles give glory to the "man of God" and never to the "God of the man", many has promoted "self" rather than the grace of God... 

Some demands for money and substances before they could perform the so called "miracles", this is in a bid to make profits out of the gift of God rather than profiting God. So will God reject them on the Last day..(Mathew 7:22). 

Jesus Christ the power of God is never a magician but a miracle worker. 

Any miracle that does not give glory to God is magic. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, the miracle worker, manifest your power in my life in Jesus Christ name.

3. Take all the glory in my life Lord in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.