Beware of enemy within

Matthew 10:36
[36]a man’s worst enemies will be right in his own home! 

The first enemy of man is the satan , who deceived Eve in the garden which led to the loosing of God's glory and a place of peace and happiness. 

Satan doesn't just appear in his whole spirit form to Eve , he entered into the serpent which is very closer to her in the garden...  Eve had established a close relationship with the serpent to the point of revealing every detail of God's instructions to them. 

The serpent was the enemy within being used by the devil to destroy the plans of God for man kind. Satan will always use anyone closer to man to perpetrate evil. 

Cain was the blood brother of Abel, He was filled with jealousy which resulted to anger and latter murder because of an unacceptable sacrifice made to God. 

Joseph was not left behind, he was envied by his own family, brothers of the same blood. Evil was planned against him because of his wonderful dreams, they first stripped him of the coat of many colours made for him by their father, latter cast him into a dry pit and eventually sold him into slavery. All these was not done by a stranger or an outsider. It was done by the enemies withing, blood brothers. 

No philistines solder could defeat Samson, no matter how many they are, but plot was made against him through a woman that is very close to his heart. She became part of his life, not for the purpose of love, but for destruction. She eventually know all his secret then handed him over to the enemy outside.  Delilah was the enemy within. 

No matter how spiritual you may be, no matter how close you are  with God, being watchful of enemy withing is one of  the greatest wisdom to succeed both in life and in God. 

You can pray at length, fast for days, but the enemy withing will surely be waiting for you.. 

Your enemy withing may be your wife, husband, your best friend whom you trusted so much, your mentor or counsellor whom you have revealed all your secret to, or even your spiritual father or mother whom you respect so much. 

Satan can use anyone who gave him/her self freely to as a tool to be used... Judas gave himself to be used by the devil to betray Jesus Christ. He was a close disciple of Christ, they ate, drank and sleep together whenever they go on missions.  Anyone can be Satan's tool to pull a child of God down. 

Don't be too confident in yourself by the gift of the spirit, prayer and fasting life you have while walking with God. The Bible says in Matthew  26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.... There are many strong and powerful that has been pulled down through the enemies withing. 

 Beware of your neighbor! Beware of your brother! All take advantage of one another and spread their slanderous lies. (Jeremiah 9:4)

Be watchful of everyone around you, not everyone that flock around you with a smiling face has good intentions for you.

Watch pray and watch for enemies within.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me to be watchful of every enemy within me in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, save me from every plans of enemies within me in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.