Your foundation determines the virtue of your Structure

Psalms  11:3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

Few years back I was opportune to oversee the construction of a three story building, of about forty-five rooms, it was a massive project. During the laying of it's foundation, the owner of the house told all workers, the builder, architect and the structure engineer that, they should make sure the foundation is very solid and does not care how much it will cost.

Lo and Behold, the foundation was dug six feet bellow the ground level, ninety-eight columns (pillars) was designed for it and almost two trailers of cement of about eight hundred bags each was used.

I was so furious why the so much waste for just the foundation, then the owner of the project told me, "it is better to do much for the foundation now than regret latter" he said the cost of managing crises of a building when it arises will definitely be greater than what should have been spent during the process of  building.

Now this is it, remember the wise builder parable by Jesus Christ, the one on a rock and the other on just land...

Just to be clear, as long as it doesn’t rain, it doesn’t matter what kind of foundation you build on. But sooner or later… it’s going to rain. It doesn’t matter if you’re a righteous man of God… or an atheist,  the rain is going to fall And what Jesus is saying is  this: There will come a time when you’re going to struggle. A time when the wind will blow, and the rains will fall, and the floods will beat upon your life, and you’ll feel like everything is falling apart. And HOW you build your FOUNDATION is going to make all the difference of whether or not you can stand in the midst of those storms.

How is your foundation today? 

The foundation of your spiritual life, how well was it laid?, did you allow Christ to dig through, did you allow Him to carefully lay it well through His instructions and directions of love given to you? Or you just took it over away from him? 

How well was the foundation of your marriage laid?, was it laid on the solid rock of Christ?, was it laid on the rock of truth and righteousness?, was it the specific land(spouse) God instructed you to build on is the very one you built on? 

What about the foundation of your ministry?, was it laid in God? Or you sort for the counsel of the devil, because God was taking so much time on only the foundation(waiting period before launching out) ? 

It wouldn't have matter if there won't be storm, if it will never rain, but lo and Behold, rain is coming, and the storm of life to test the strength of your structure is coming... How will you survive? 

Many who had a bad foundation in their spiritual walk with God are falling and rising in sin today and many have backslided 

Those who laid a wrong foundation in marriage are experiencing serious problem that seems impossible solve, some resulted in divorce and many are managing pain, sorrow and lost of love. 

And those who laid a wrong foundation in the ministry are either  disgraced and the ministry collapsed or waiting for their storm to rise... Such are people who rises to fame in few time and vanishes into tin air... They could not withstand the storm of test because they could not wait patiently for God in directions. 

But there is a way out, no matter the nature of your foundation, there is a master builder, who can restructure and rebuild your life. 

Jesus Christ the master builder, He alone can help you out, he can rebuild even to the foundation of your life, only if you allow Him, only if you can endure the pain, the shame and the shaking. 

It is not too late to come... If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?, the righteous will seek the Lord, the only master builder. 

The storm is coming, it will soon rain, are you sure of the foundation you laid? Because your foundation determines the virtue of your structure

Think about it. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for being a foolish builder, thinking I can do it all by myself. 

3. Lord, help me, I surrender my life totally to you for a rebuilding. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.