Whose timing are you using?

Ecclesiastes  3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Time is the measurable period during which an action or a process exist, time is the measure of man's existence on earth and  everything we do on earth is perfectly set in time.

God creates time to set in motion everything He created. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven, nothing exceeds its own time, everything comes into place at its own appointed time

The time of planting does not come in the time of harvest, the time to be born comes when it should and when it is time to die, death knocks on the door.. But in all, He hath made every thing beautiful in his time.

Whose time are you using?

Whatever a man will become on earth has been set in time, everyone has his own timing, the time of everyone differs from another, but impatience, sin, lack of faith and lack of Understanding in God makes many  miss their  time or use another person's time.

Sarah could not wait for her own time, she thought Haggai's timing would help her barrenness. But that didn't just disappoint her but brought trouble to the family.

Jacob could not wait for his own time, He chooses the timing of his brother Esau, despite being the chosen one of God, he suffered for it for fourteen years and even the woman his heart desires died prematurely.

Whose time are you using...

Using another man's time to live your life is an endanger to your life and destiny. You will miss God's purpose, plan, blessing and glory for your life, even the time you try to use will never be profitable to you.

Those who plant during dry season will have to employ extra work, pain, and cost for the crop to germinate and bring fruits for harvest unlike planting during raining season that requires little or no toil..

In business, just because your colleague prospers in a certain field at a particular time does not mean you should delve into it, wait for your own time, He makes things beautiful in His own time.

Just because your colleagues are married doesn't mean you should rush into marriage without waiting on God for your own time. If you rush in, you will definitely crash out.

Hanna waited for her own time, the prophetic child came right in time, she didn't longed for the time of her rival... The prophetic child became better than the seven children that were born before. 

In the ministry, God is asking you to wait a little longer before he opens the windows of heaven of blessing for your ministry, but you could not wait, because your fellow ministers has gone ahead of you in church planting and properties... No matter how far you go with their timing, failure is always waiting for you... And it will never profit God.

Jesus Christ told His mother at the wedding at cana of Galilee... Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. (John  2:4). Even being God in man, He could not obstruct His time, He waited for the right time of the miracle and when the time came, God was glorified. It was not late and it was not too early. It was just in time.

Whose time are you using?... God is ever faithful, He can never be too late neither is He too early, He is always right in time.

Wait for your own time, using another person's time is a suicide mission.

Pray to God for your timing and wait patiently for His approval. 

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, forgive me for obstructing your time in my life in Jesus Christ name

3. Lord, give me the grace to wait for my time in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.