What are you doing for God?

1 Corinthians  12:5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

The death of Christ on the cross bridge the gap between us and God both now and eternity if we continue to live for Him till death or till He appear in the clouds to rapture the saint.. 

But being saved does not imply we are to be idle for Him and stay unused... The body of Christ and family of the Saint is an institution of labourers with different administrations. 

What are you doing for God since you have been saved? 

Many thinks working for God is only limited to those that are called to be an Apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher or a Bishop, but contrary to that, The Lord has a unique role for each of us to play. We all have our own alabaster jar to pour at Jesus feet, different administration but same Lord... 

What are you doing for God, He has not saved you to be an idle sons and daughters in the garden of Christ's love and grace, you have a purpose to accomplish, you have a duty to fulfil, you have a task you must do... 

Asides the twelve Apostles that were called by Jesus to be His disciple, there are many others who never fail in their capacity to fulfil their purpose in Christ's ministry whenever it is time to do so 

You cannot just be receiving the grace of God in vain, the institution of God is a well programmed institute that everyone is placed at every junction and gets activated when the need arises. 

What are you doing for God.. 

Looking at some vessels that worked for God aside being an Apostle, pastor, teacher, Bishop and an evangelist. 

1. The boy with the five loaves  of bread and two fishes... 
It was not a coincidence that Jesus was looking for a way to feed the  multitude, and there resides a boy who was yet to eat his lunch, who has heard the message of giving from Christ and decided to loose all he had at that moment for the ministry of Christ... He gave what he has, and by his little action of giving, over five thousand souls were blessed... What are you doing when the need for a five loaves of Bread and two fishes arises?.... 

2.  Mary Magdalene, Joanne, Susanna 
Have you ever wondered why the ministry of Christ doesn't suffer any lack whatsoever, even being God, he didn't perform magic to help himself, there are many who supported His ministry with their substances... They are Mary Magdalene, Joanne, Susanna, and nanny others 
Luke  8:2 And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,  8:3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.

These are people who has been healed through the ministry of Christ, and it was placed in their hearts to give in return to the ministry

They are the ones that provide food for Jesus and His twelve disciples, they provide shelter at when due, they are never tired, they did till Christ's ascension.. 

But for you, that God has done wonderful things for, what are you doing for Christ?, God has used many ministers for you in the past, both in their counselling, preaching, healing and deliverance, but instead for you to bless their ministry in return you go to another place to celebrate or you forget and never help... You have missed the purpose and opportunity of God for your life already. 

3. Simon of Cyrene

This man was seized when he was coming from a country, it was during the trials of Christ, He was made to carry the cross of Christ... 

Matthew  27:32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.

He didn't take the pain away, but he beared the burden with Christ, He carried the cross up till Golgotha 

You may not have the resources to take away people's problem, but just like the man who has the strength to carry the cross of Christ,, you have the ability of good counsel, you have the gift of companionship. But are you doing it as God has given you grace?, when people have problem, that is when you will run away and desert them... And the task God has given you is to bear the pain with them, is to be a shoulder to rest on until they come to the place of Golgotha. 

4. Joseph of Arimathaea 
This is a man the bible recorded to be a secret disciple of Christ, he was never known even by the twelve Apostles, he was never mentioned through out the ministry of Christ. But when it is time, He got activated and showed himself. 

John  19:38 And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.

The job God has prepared for him is to preserve the body of Christ and to give Him a proper burial... What a job... 

He was inspired by the spirit, he was moved, his heart was touched and he didn't hesitate to accomplish the job, he gave Christ the grave he had made for himself... He gave his greatest wealth on earth to God 

The question still remains, what are you doing for God? 

All the names mentioned above didn't miss their opportunity to do what God has committed to their hands, they were never called to be an Apostle, Bishop, pastor, teacher or an evangelist.  But the ministry of Christ wouldn't have be complete without their impact. 

What about those that missed their opportunity..?

Ananias and Sapphira 
They were expected to the bless the ministry of the early church with their substance, they did but were not faithful with it... They missed their greatest opportunity and their part was wiped off.... 

You may not be called to be an Apostle, a prophet, a pastor a Bishop or an evangelist, but God has called you to do something. 

1. You may have been called to provide shelter to missionaries 

2. You may have been called to support Ministries and church projects 

3. You may have been called to minister in music (Instrumentalist)... You are to support the ministry... But sadly today many are doing it to get something in return... (that is failure). Everyone God used in the bible did not have the hope of getting things in return. 

4. You may be called to be an interpreter, an usher, a counsellor/motivator, a driver to convey people in the ministry, Choir etc... There are many areas God has called you to. 1 Corinthians  12:5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

You will know it is a commission committed unto you when the need arises and you will realise you are the only one available to do it... And the spirit of God will minister to your heart... But do not miss your chance 

Finally, Colossians  3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

Whatever God has commited to your hand to do, do it to the glory of God and not in praise of man.... 

And if you have been doing it,and it seems you are not noticed, or you are being Persecuted for it, don't stop, keep doing it, God sees your labour of faith and He will eventually reward you accordingly. 

I ask again this morning, what are you doing for God? 
Have you not missed your opportunity? 
Think about it, 

Prayer key:
1. Lord thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 
2. Lord, forgive me for not doing anything for you in all this while  in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord help me not to miss my opportunity in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.