Stop Adultery

Proverbs 23:27 For a harlot is a deep pit, And a seductress is a narrow well.

 Adultery is the  “violation of the marriage vow.” it  is sexual intercourse of two persons, either of whom is married to a third party. As much as adultery is a sin to self and flesh, it is a great sin before God..

Thou shall not commit adultery is one of the laws of the ten commandment given to moses which uphold sanity among the children of Israel, the consequences of committing adultery is death

The coming  of Christ and his death does not abolish the laws but to fulfil it... Matthew  5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Adultery is the breaking of the covenant made before God and the abolition of God's principle of marriage.. This will in no time attract God's punishment in several ways.

The results of Adultery. 

1. Destruction 
When the sin of adultery is committed, your total life becomes prey to the devil, you become tossed around like a sheep without a shepherd, your peace becomes murdered and your joy only last for few minutes of enjoyment. 

You become suspicious of your own self, you become more insecure, being afraid of getting caught by your spouse 

It cost you more than you can ever bargain, you spend more money, more time, and more energy in satisfying a strange woman, and in destroying your own life when your home suffers your absent

Your marriage is at the verge of collapse, because the vow is broken and love becomes disgust 

Many men has paid the price of adultery with their own lives, many women made their husbands fathered children who is not theirs...  
It is just a little time before all that is done in the secret will be opened and destruction will strike on the God ordained home. 

Temptations can arise, a strange woman can entice you. However, God calls us to say no to those temptations. He calls us to honour that marriage vow which says to forsake all others and to keep ourselves only for our marriage partner. God calls us to a high and noble standard: “For God has not called us for uncleanness, but in holiness” (1 Thessalonians 4:7). “Abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22)

2. Shame and Regret
In an adulterous relationship, regrets and shame are involved, sooner or later. We may be tempted to think that the regret and shame never will reach us, but — like acid slowly eating through metal, the effect of shame and regret will eventually showed up 

I have seen many cases where some men and women were caught in the act of adultery, what follows immediately is regret and shame, "ho had I known, I wouldn't have done this"...  

Everything you did in the secret is now revealed to the public, your integrity, pride, honour and godly virtue which people recognise you with becomes dragged on the floor. 

Some loose their jobs for it, because their employer wouldn't want to associate with a disgraceful employee. 

Sadly enough, your wife/husband becomes an object of ridicule, your children suffered bully, your name becomes disgraced 

If we think about that shame ahead of time, if we realize the seriousness of adultery before we give into temptation, we may be able to steer clear of this life-shattering mistake. 

3. Separation from God

The person who commits adultery knows in his or her heart that God’s command has been violated. The consequence of the adultery can be made worse if that individual refuses to ask God for forgiveness 

Your relationship with God becomes broken, heaven becomes closed, you no longer have that intimacy with Him anymore, and the devil sets in to rule over your life... All other works of the flesh in set in. 
You will eventually becomes a liar, trust breaker, violent against your wife and children at home and at some point, you become a murderer. 

4. Punishment. 
Sexually-transmitted disease can be a consequence of an affair. Another kind of physical consequence can be the literal break-up of your family, blackmailing and extortion etc. 

Spiritual punishment may include closed heaven for blessings and grace of God. 

The bible says in Proverbs  18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.

If a wife is a favour from God, what happens when you cheat on the favour of God? What happen when you made the favour of God to shed uncontrollable tears?, what happens when you left the favour of God in depression. God's anger is on you. 

Repent now and save yourself, your marriage and home from destruction, shame and regret, punishment and separation from God. 

The fact that you are not caught yet does not mean you are smart, God is only giving you a little more time to repent. 

Tomorrow may be too late, learn from examples around you, don't wait till you experience it. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for being and adulterous partner to my spouse 

3. Lord, help my to love my spouse alone and to abstain from sin totally in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.