The seed of evil words

Ephesians  4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

 The words we speak revolves around life and death, our life can experience blessing if the words that proceed from our mouth is seasoned with grace, so also if we continually speak evil, our life can experience destruction.

Words that proceed from our mouth is life itself, either they are good words or evil words... Whichever we master will have its expression in our life.

Evil words are destiny destroyer, it can redefine God's purpose and plan for one's life, its very powerful that it takes effect faster in the life of the recipient than the good words spoken.

It is a seed planted in the soil of one's life, which can take years to bring fruit, ones it takes root, it becomes the greatest enemy of one's life.

Many are suffering from it today and until they dig deep to it's root and cut it down, fruits of failure, disappointment, sorrow, pain, death etc will continue to show forth in the life of such person. 

Seeds of evil word are planted in different ways. 

1. Evil words spoken to oneself 
Little did we know that what we say to ourselves has power over us, authority is in our mouth and the power resides in our heart, once we say it with a truthful mind  and believe, it will definitely take root in our life whether it be good words or evil words. 

~ The Twelve spies of Israel. (Numbers 13:30)
Ten of them saw evil in the land, they saw giants, men of Hanaki, great warriors, so they conclude they are just like grasshoppers before them... But Joshua and Caleb reiterated with the conviction in their heart and great faith in God that, they shall proceed and overcome the people of the land. 

Each of their words came to pass, those who prophecy evil experience that evil, they never live to posses the land God promised them. 

What evil are you saying to yourself today? 
Words like,... "I'm dead, I'm finished, I can't make it, I'm a failure, its too difficult for me, etc" each of these words are seed you are planting in your life, and the more you nourish it, the more it will grow and eventually bring forth fruits you speak of. 

2. Evil words you speak against another. 

There is no doubt, at one time or the other we have spoken evil against someone, either through their actions against us or a deliberate action by us because of the evil intent in our heart 

These words can come from parents, guardians, ministers of God, boss, mentors/Teachers etc... Evil words that come out of your mouth are eventually seeds you plant in their life. 

Noah was a faithful man before God, He enjoyed God's favour and grace being the only family found faithful in all the lands it the earth. Yet when he became drunk, his son misbehave by looking at his nakedness and joke about it... The evil words that came out of Noah's mouth becomes a seed and eventually bear fruit in the life of Canaan the grand child. (Genesis 9:25)

Likewise Jacob made a decree against Ruben who slept with his father's wife... The curse takes effect in the life of his children and grand children. (Genesis 49:1-4)

What evil seed are you planting in the life of your children today? What evil seed has been planted in your life which is a result of what you are going through presently?... 

Ministers of God:

Many churches, and members are suffering from the evil decree made by their pastors today. 

Elisha had just gotten the double power of Elijah, very fresh as it is, but the first assignment he could do with the power was to prophecy evil against children of about forty who mocked him for his bald head... Do you not think those children have destinies to fulfill in life? (2kings 2:24) 

What has been spoke against your life by a minister of God, and you as a minister, What evil seed have you planted in the life of your members? 

Today, one of the reasons for divorce and misunderstanding in marriages today is the seed of evil words planted by the couples. 

Whatever you call your spouse is what he or she will eventually become within the space of time, it does not necessarily need anyone to approve it, as long as you both are one flesh, whatever you say against each other will eventually come to pass. 

Look at your wife or husband, examine what you have been saying against him or her, is his/her life, behaviour and character not the result of the seed of evil words you have spoken against him in time of argument and anger? 

It is time to cut down the tree 

Only Jesus Christ can help you, being the word that makes life and death, being the greatest word under whom every other words bow 

Run to Him today and let your life bear fruits of goodness, joy, happiness and favour of God. 

Henceforth, Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

As from today, let the words of blessing, goodness, and grace proceed from your mouth, for whatever you say will definitely come to pass.. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, destroy evil seed of evil words I have spoken against myself and others in Jesus Christ name. 

3. As from today, let words of grace and blessing come from my mouth in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.