
Colossians  3:13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

Reconciliation is the process of  healing a relationship after a wrong or a hurt has been done. It is a process between two or more people or among groups of people. It is the next step after forgiveness.

There are some cases whereby we have hurt someone or we've been hurt by someone, the relationship got broken, what we normally do we no longer do them, the sweet and smooth relationship we had with them becomes hatred. Yet, God commands us to reconcile.

A case to sturdy is the life of Joseph and his brothers.

What more evil can man do to another greater than what was done to Joseph by His own blood brother. He was sold to strangers out of jealousy, he was proclaimed dead to his father and behave as if nothing happened.

Joseph experienced the worst days of his life, which includes hard labor, wrong accusation and prison. Yet, he did not stop believing God

Eventually when He became the prime minister, he longed to reunite with His Brethren who had first sold him to slavery. Luck came to him when they come down to Egypt to buy food. He never hesitate to reveal himself and reconcile..

Colossians  3:13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

He forgive them totally and ensure their safety in the foreign land for the rest of their lives.

Just as christ as reconciled us back to God our Father after we had sinned against Him, and we have become heirs of the kingdom of God, so also we are expected to reconcile back with those who had wronged us.

Has anyone done wrong to you before?,  do you want that sweet relationship in friendship or marriage work again? , then now is the time to bridge the gap. 

Failure to reconcile means you still nurse that hatred, and anger withing you, and the love of Christ is not in you. 

Reconciliation works in the life of both parties, the offender must be genuinely ready to ask for forgiveness and the offended must be ready to forgive with the whole of his/her heart... After this is done, reconcilation becomes possible. 

Little did you know that there are so many benefits in reconciling. 

1. Peace with God. 
We find peace with God when Christ reconciled us back to to the Father, we have joy to walk up to the Him anytime and any day. So also when we reconcile back to those who offended us in the past, we have that inner peace and joy, we no longer harbor resentment and hatred against such person. 

2. Benefits for each other. 
Joseph reconciled back to his brothers and he became the source of their survival in the foreign land till their death. Reconciling back brings more opportunities which you may have lost during the separation. You never can tell, your worst enemy today may be your saving grace tomorrow. 

Hebrews  12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

This is the command given to us as followers of Christ and a citizen of heaven... Living peaceably with everyone around us, bringing that peace into our homes, friendship, co-workers, church members and our neighbours. Until then we have fulfilled the law of God. 

Reconcile now with your spouse, no matter the gravity of sin, call for a truce meeting, express your anger and pain, forgive and  bridge the gap of separation and let the love and peace of God Reign 

Reconcile now with your long time friend, knowing well the memories you both shared together and the sacrifices you have made with each other, let the love of God reign 

Reconcile now with your children/parent, they are irreplaceable... Don't wait till their death before you miss them. No matter what they have done, you have done more to God... Forgive and reconcile back. Only then you can fulfil the law of Christ which is love. 

Reconciliation can take place only when the offender is genuinely remorseful and the offended is genuinely ready to forgive. 

Pray, forgive and reconcile... It's the law of Christ. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for still harbouring hatred, hanger and revenge in Jesus Christ name 

3. Lord help me to forgive genuinely and be able to reconcile back again in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.