Work and Pray

Romans  12:11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;  12:12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

Becoming a believer in christ does not mean manna will be falling down from heaven, it does not make us idle as not to go about working things out for our survival and those around us.

Though before the creation of man, everything man needed was already provided by God, yet after man was created, He commanded him to work in the garden. To dress and to keep it.

It is so sad today that many places prayer before work, they find time to go to prayer mountains, crusades but when it comes to work, they become lazy, they want blessing without working, they want open heaven without opening the ground for planting

Before God blesses or answer the prayers of your blessing, you must have a work in your hand...  Proverbs  22:29 Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.

Despite God's direct promises for Abraham, he never stop working, He was a Shepherd and God blesses him on whatever he lay his hands on, even the Kings were jealous of him.

Before you pray for blessing, work.

God has given everyone a means of survival, everyone is endowed with one talent or the other, according to the measure your strength can carry.

It is now left to you to look deep inside and discover what God has deposited in you. You may not know that what God deposit in you is enough to feed the whole nation. But how will you become the nation's treasury if you fail to work with the little God has given you?

Do not underrate yourself and the gift of God in you, do not be slothful and lazy to the point of losing God's opportunity passing by, because you never show the world what you carry

In the ministry. Many servants of God wants blessing without working, they want large congregation without evangelism, They want instant healing, signs and wonders without working it out through fasting and prayer...

Even Jesus Christ being God in man worked through his life time, started as a carpenter, becomes a teacher, fasted for many days and prayed and latter becomes an instant miracle worker and ultimately perfected the work of our salvation on the cross. What excuse would you have not to do the same.

God does not bless a lazy man. So work.

Luke  18:1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

After work, pray.. Pray without season

Prayer is a means of communicating to God, it's a way of expressing your desire and receiving God's desire for your life.

Prayer is progressive, it is an infinite exercise as long as we live. Prayer opens the doors of blessing, it makes possible the impossible, it brings down the hand of God over one's life, prayer creates a pathway to the heart of God.

Don't ever stop praying, even if you do not receive the answers yet, even if your problem becomes more difficult, even if you have received answers to your prayer, don't ever stop. Prayer has no limit

As a believer in Christ, our survival in this world is predestined in work(physical) and prayer (spiritual)... The balance of the two will make you grow physically and spiritually.

Don't stop working, and don't stop praying.
God bless you.

Prayer key:
1 Lord thank you for the blessing of today  Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, bless the work of my hand in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, as I pray to you, answer all my prayers in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.