Under His Wings

Psalms  91:4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Few years back I reared hens which in latter time has many chicks. As they were growing up I left them to open field to experience fresh air and green plant.

On one faithful day I was outside, then suddenly there was a sight of an Eagle in the sky, trying to feed on the chicks, with no time the hens made a kind of noise which surprisingly made all chicks run towards their respective mother and hide under their wings.. Wow.. I was so amazed by that act, the Eagle could not do anything other than to fly away.

The Lord told me, can you derive wisdom from what just happened?

1. As long as the chicks are under the wings of their mother, no predator can ever prey on them.

2. Each chick knows their mother, so at the sound of her voice of warning for the impeding danger, they all run to their respective mother, no one run to another mother but their very own mother.

If the mother Hen can protect and preserve the chicks from danger, how much more God the creator of the whole universe?

In a time like this  when there is  frequent challenges against the nature of human existence,  when we are faced with difficulties, trials, temptations, war, pestilence, kidnapping, terrorism, Banditry and injustice, the only place we can seek refuge is under the wings of the most High God.

The psalmist had experienced a lot of difficulties and  troubles in his life, he had been chased and being hunted by the predator called Saul, yet in all his trials and attempts, David was able to hide under the wings of the most High 

No chick can ever find peace outside the wings of the mother hen in a world full of predators seeking whom to devour 

You can never find peace, joy, protection, safety  and lasting happiness if you stay outside the wings of the most high God. 

The children of Israel experienced the premium and full-package of God's protection while traveling from Egypt to the promise land despite the many predators on the way. 

In a time like this, under whose wings do you seek refuge? 

Do you seek refuge under the wings of your education? 
Or under the wings of charms? 
Or under the wings the government? 
Or under the wings of technology? 
All Of this will fail or they are already failing in no time, but the wings of whom can never fail is the wings of the most high God. 

Just like the mother hen sends a distress call to all her chicks and they ran towards her for protection, God is sending a distress call to you today, for you to come under His wings and find safety. 

When the danger comes, only those he recognises, only those He has approved to be His children will find an abode under His wings. 

For you to find peace and safety under His wings, you must first recognise Him as your Lord, God and all 

You must be living according to His commands and statues, you must walk according to His righteousness and holiness. 

God is calling you today, don't wait till you find yourself in danger... The Hen can do nothing once the Eagle picks up the chick... Under His wings alone you can find lasting peace. 

Tomorrow may be too late... Run to Him now. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, I recognise you as my Lord today and trust you for safety in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, I have no help from anywhere, save me Lord from the predators of this world in Jesus Christ name. Amen. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.