In all, Give Thanks

1 Thessalonians  5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

giving thanks  is the expression of gratitude or showing  appreciation or to  acknowledge and express obligation of thanks  for what has been done or what is about to be done

Giving thanks is one of the greatest obligation God demands from us and humans, referencing His greatness over us. He demands our heart of gratitude, it is His will for us through all our living.

This act of gratitude is not just limited to the good times of life, neither is it limited to when he provide what we request for or answer our prayers... He demands our heart of appreciation even in the most difficult times of all..

In all situation, God demands our heart of thanksgiving.

Although many People give thanks to God, but only limited to the good times of life, when God provide what they need, when thier prayer is answered, when they are healed from one sickness etc, but we are expected to give thanks in all situations of our life

Even when God refuses to answer our prayers, we should give thanks, even when we are in a sorrowful state we should give thanks, when the whole world turns it back on us and it seems the end has come, we should give thanks and when we are in trials and tribulations we should give thanks.

David danced before the Lord in the streets as a response of praise to his holy God. He worshiped after the death of his son. David is a man known for praise. Even in the darkest seasons of his life--as we see in the psalms--he pointed back to the goodness of God.

No matter what season David found himself in, he always had the perspective of praise. 

Also Jesus Christ our Lord, 

He was God and didn’t have to give thanks for anything, but he often did. Jesus set a remarkable example for us in many ways but one was in thanksgiving. He was a man who gave praise to the Father in so many ways.

He gave thanks as he was surrounded by thousands of hungry people and multiplied the food.

He gave thanks to God for hearing his prayer for the raising of Lazarus--before Lazarus rose from the grave.

He knew the cross was before him and gave thanks to the Father as he broke bread and drank the cup with the disciples.

It may seems like God is asking too much of us, especially during times of great disappointments, losses, or unbearable heartaches. It’s hard for us to comprehend how we are supposed to give thanks during these types of difficulties and challenges, but it is the will God for our lives. 

Giving thanks in ALL of our life is telling God He alone is worthy of our totality irrespective of the circumstances we find ourselves. 

Give thanks in all things and see God in action in all areas of your life. 

God bless you and happy new month of September. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of a new day and a new month in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, give me a heart of gratitude in Jesus Christ name 

3.lord, help me to give thanks in ALL of my life in Jesus Christ name 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen