Why thinking of committing Suicide?

Psalms  30:5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death which is cause by mental health problems, bullying or discrimination, different types of abuse( including domestic, sexual or physical abuse) , bereavement(including losing a loved one to suicide) , the end of a relationship,  long-term physical pain or illness,  money problem(debt or lack) , failure or loneliness and many more 

Suicide thoughts come when you have concluded there is no way out of such problem, you feel hopless and helpless, you see yourself as worthless in this world after experiencing depression. 

Suicidal feelings can affect anyone, of any age, gender or background, at any time. 

Many has thought of suicide to be an escape route out of present predicament and find peace in after life, but they do not know that suicide is a murder case to oneself which is punishable by death, but not in this world but in eternity. 

Suicide is an escape route out of a limited sorrow, predicament, frustration to face eternal agony.

Suicide is a direct flight to hell.. 

But why should you think of suicide? 

You may be helpless, but that should not make you hopeless... 

You may have prayed, fasted, gone  to the mountain and even on plain land, seeking for help, you may have sold everything you have, yet the problem persist, people have deserted you, those you love  becomes the source of your pain, and you have come to the conclusion of suicide... Hear what the Lord says....  "weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" 

You may have a broken relationship, but that does not mean you should have a broken life 

You may fail from exams, but that doesn't mean you should fail yourself. 

You may run into debts, but that is not the end of life, when there is life, there is definitely hope 

Isaiah  59:1 Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:

Whatever situation you are in, whatever you are going through, the hand of the Lord is not shortened to save you, He is not deaf that He cannot hear you. Even in your deepest struggle in life, God is there with you. 

God gives hope to the hopeless, He gives peace to the depressed, He brings joy to the saddened heart, and blessings to those who lack. 

The thought of suicide is from the devil, and a means for you to join him in hell.. 

When the thought of suicide comes, find peace in the word of God, think of those who God has saved from the same predicament you are in.. 

The woman with the flow of blood for twelve years didn't kill herself despite the shame, stigma and rejection... She believed one day her life will receive healing, and it happened by just touching the helm of Jesus' garment. (Luke 8:43-48)

The widow who ran to Elisha after the debtors came to seize her two sons... She didn't commit suicide, she ran to God, and her life was transformed, she didn't juts pay the debts, but also have excess... (2 Kings 4)

Joseph was rejected by his very own blood brothers, those he loved, he was sold into slavery... It is enough for him to commit suicide, but he kept believing in the God of his father.. And at the long run, he became great even in a foreign land. (Genesis 41:37-44)

What are you going through today?... It is not enough to commit suicide.. 

When you are faced with difficult situations that warrant suicide. Brace up yourself, thank God for the situation, pray for deliverance and challenge the situation with the word of God... Philippians  4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.

This message is for you, don't ever think of suicide, you may think you have lost all, but do you know you have not loose God.. He is right beside you to save you.

Suicide is self murder.. It is not the end of depression or pain, but the begining of endless suffering. 

When the thoughts come, rebuke it and find peace with God. 
God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name 

2. Lord, forgive me for havening the thoughts of suicide

3. Lord, I am helpless, come and be my hope, save me from what I'm going through in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.