In ALL thy ways, acknowledge Him

Proverbs  3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

The life of man is a mystery, it unfolds as man grow up with time, our understanding is always limited to "now", no matter how wise, knowledgeable we may seems, we still can't predict the exact future.

But there is one God, who knows the end even before it began, whatever man will be and become in life is very open to His sight. He set our paths and define our ways. He is the accurate compass that leads us in the  right direction to our destiny. 

God created us in a unique way, even though He has every power over us but He never force anything on us as humans, He gave us "self-will" which gives every man the opportunity to either accept the supremacy of God or to reject His loving kindness. But if any will success both in life and in Him, such fellow must acknowledge Him in ALL his/her ways.

King Solomon wrote the verse which is our guide for this message.  He was found giving counsel to his children about how to live their life... Just as his father King David did before resting in the Lord.

He wouldn't be speaking if he had not experienced what he is teaching, the begining of his reign as king is an expression of his love for the ultimate God, he made a large sacrifices, build the magnificent house for God, Received God's favour and a rear divine gift of wisdom.

But the latter days of his reign justifies that, begining a journey with God  does not determine we would end with him. He was deceived by his numerous wives, his heart was turned away from the Lord. Now regret set in. For his sons not to fall into the disgrace and regret that he fell into, he called and  admonished them to acknowledged God in ALL thier ways so they can prosper in all they do.

Many of us give the wrong understanding about Acknowledging God in recent times, and this is one of the reasons we fail many areas of life. 

Acknowledging God to some is to know God exist, and they know He is up there in the sky doing what He pleases... 

Many believe it is by going to church on sabbath days to perform the usual worship to Him. 

On the other hand, many believe it is by paying tithe, offering and doing charity work. But it's more than that. 

Acknowledging God is to know His ways inside and out and to recognize that He is the ultimate arbiter of our lives. To submit to him, seek His will, understand, discern and discover His purpose for our life and be ready to give our all to do whatsoever He says. 

This in better way should find expression in all we do, Acknowledging God should be able to manifest in all the areas of our life. 

King Solomon acknowledged God in ruling the Israelite but kept God away from His marital life. He regretted ever doing so. 

In all your ways acknowledge Him. 

In your career, acknowledge Him 
In your relationship, acknowledge Him. 
In your business, acknowledge Him 
In your political struggle, acknowledge Him 
In your traveling, acknowledge Him 
In parenting your children, acknowledge Him 
In health and quest for wealth, acknowledge Him 
In ALL your ways, acknowledge Him. 

Seek to know His will, accept His verdict, walk in His directions and you will never regret in life. 

God's way are not our way, His will may negate our will and desires, it may not be perfect at the begining, but the end is always beautiful. 

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.  It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

God bless you.

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing or another day in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, forgive me for not acknowledging you in my ways in the last in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, I commit all my life to you, help me to trust you till the end in Jesus Christ name.

4. thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. amen.