A remorseful Heart

Psalms 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise.

Our heart is the temple of the living God where His spirit resides and communicate to our spirit for smooth relationship 1 Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

But often time, We fall into temptations and sin against God, in this process we loose communication with God and His temple becomes the residence of the devil.

But yet, when we sin, we have a grace period to come back to Him, with a humble heart and confess our sins before Him so we can be purified again worthy enough to accommodate the only true and holy God.

Psalm 51 is a record of King David's remorseful heart when prophet Nathan came to him after  he had committed adultery with bathsheba

The words of King David  opens with an appeal to God for mercy and forgiveness. David’s plea for God’s steadfast love points to our need for humility before God. As David openly admits his sin, he confesses God’s mercy is not something that He deserves, but desires. David does not spend his time looking inward for the answer or solution to his problem but humbles himself by looking outward towards God and His promises.

A remorseful heart means that we come humbly before God acknowledging our sin and proclaiming God’s goodness. This form of humble spirit expresses our need for God and His salvation alone. It does not blame God or others for our sin, but rather takes full responsibility for the actions we took.

As we humble ourselves before God, we recognize and become dependent upon His mercy. This both kills the pride that God opposes within us and maximizes the mercy of God as the one who deserves the glory.

If you do not feel the absent of God in your life when you sin, it means He was never there in the first place

Are you having a remorseful heart today when you sin?

Many after committing sin will still celebrate and rejoice, no form of deep remorse that the presence of the Lord had gone away for a long time..

Many after committing sin will still go to the sanctuary of God to worship and present a "living sacrifice" not knowing they are presenting a dead sacrifice unto Him and makes them become abomination in His temple

Many ministers whom people still see as God's servant and still perform miracles and wonders do not know the Lord has departed from them, because they celebrate sin, they sin in private and condemns it in public.. Pride, ego continues to drag them to hell. Of such the Lord will say "I do not know thee, ye workers of iniquities"

A remorseful heart means.

1. We Remorse Over Grieving the Lord
David was able to realize his sin grieve the Lord, though the sin hurt others, but he was able to come to the understanding that all his actions of adultery and murder makes God furious against him, he realizes God's anger is upon him.

2. A remorseful heart means we turn towards God.

Just like the prodigal son, that came back to his father, so also we are expected to turn towards God in total dependant of rebuilding our relationship with Him again and enjoy the before benefits that resides in His union.

When we see our sin for what it is, and come to God in true repentance, He removes the mask from our eyes and shaves the callouses off our hearts. When we acknowledge our sin, we are humbling ourselves before the almighty hand of God and offering ourselves to Him. This act of obedience provides a renewal of the heart and gives way for us to exalt grace and imitate Christ.

1 Peter 5:5b  for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”
Come down from the throne of pride and egoism and embrace the forgiveness of God provided in Christ Jesus, only then you can enjoy the presence of God in your life again.

Do not let the Devil drag you to hell before you realize you are lost already.  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a remorseful heart

Today is the day, tomorrow may be too late.
God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, forgive me for all of my sins in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me to be humble before you and have a remorseful heart on Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank your for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.