Your purpose at every stages of Life

Acts 13:36 For David served God's purposes in his own time, and then he died, was buried with his ancestors, and his body rotted in the grave.(GNB)

From the creation of man, the purpose of man is to have dominion over all what God had created,  to show forth His praise and the majesty of His glory and to be an extension of His kingdom.

But sin crept in, man was casted out and the story of man changed... So also the purpose of man.

From thence, God never stop to reprogram man  towards His purpose for Evey generation, only for those who recognises Him as Lord supreme and ready to cooperate with Him with the totality of  their life.

From Adam, God choses Abel, but he was murdered, yet God redirected His purpose unto Seth, latter to Enoch down to Noah and so on... These were whom God personally empowered with grace and knowledge,. Enoch walked with God fulfilling His purpose, teaching the people of His generation the truth of the words of God.

Noah was spared as the only family that will repopulate the earth, he didn't disappoint God.

What about Abraham, God wanted to raise an eternal covenant, and through Him the saviour will come, He didn't disappoint God, as difficult as it was, He headed unto God's call and fulfil purpose

Now to Jacob, as stubborn as he was, God still uses Him, Joseph was to lead His people to slavery, as God's words against Abraham, He didn't disappoint God despite the painful bus-stops he encountered in His life.

Even unto Moses, who was raised to lead the children of Israel out of slavery, and Joshua that will divide the land, even when He was old, God still told him his purpose is yet to be fulfilled.

What about the three hebrews taken slavery with Daniel, they are to withstand fire in other to proclaim the God of Israel in a strange land. Daniel was to live till the end of the slavery and command sense into all the kings that will exist till the end of the slavery.

Let me ask, at every junctions God has taken you through in life, did you fulfil God's purpose?, at the junction you are now, are you fulfilling God's purpose?

Each of our lives has been programmed by God for a purpose. As long as we are living outside of that purpose, there will be emptiness and a desire to crowd our lives with junks that is not beneficial to our spiritual growth and fruitfulness in God.

Before David died, He make sure He fulfilled the purpose of God.

Your purpose determines your blessing, it determines God's manifestation in your life, it determines your usefulness and total being alive.

The very town you are, are you fulfilling God's purpose?

The church you are, are you fulfilling God's purpose?

At your place of work, are you fulfilling God's purpose?

As the husband, are you fulfilling God's purpose in your home?

As the wife, are you fulfilling God's purpose in the life of that man your husband?

As a politician, are you fulfilling God's purpose in that position you have been privileged?

As God has given you wealth and riches, are you fulfilling God's purpose?

In that country God has privileged you to go to, where God has established you, are you fulfilling God's purpose?

That school you are studying at, are you fulfilling God's purpose?

At every stages of life, God has programmed a purpose for everyone, and He always place it in our heart and also provides resources to fulfil them.. But did you heed His call?

Now remember the stages you have passed without fulfilling God's purpose

Remember where you ought to have represented God, but you denied His presence

Remember the souls God had committed into your hands but due to your hardened heart, you miss them.

Thus says the Lord of Host, you are a failure and a prodigal child.

Where you fail, you have been replaced, your blessings have been denied and your glory has been taken away from you.

Remember Samson, remember Eli, remember Judas.

Reexamine your life and see where you have missed it, pray for mercy so that by chance the few stages left for you before you die you won't miss it.

Even if you fail, God is never limited with vessels to be used. You are only a failure and a disgraceful servant in this generation.

He that have ears let him hear what the spirit says to the church.

God bless you..

Prayer key

1 Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord forgive me for being a failure all this while in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me to fulfill my purpose in this generation Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.