The regret of Disobedience

Psalms  137:1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.

Disobedience is the first sin that orchestrated other sin before God, and this is going against God's will and status...

Disobedience always have regret and consequences, sining against the words and instructions of God always come with its respective punishments.

Adam and Eve must be overwhelmed with regret after being sent out of the garden of Eden..

They must have thought about a life without pain in the garden, a place of joy and peace, a place of no struggle, a place you don't struggle before you eat, a place of divine protection, a place God usually come down to have a communion with them. What a regret.

The scripture in Psalm 137 speaks of the regret of children of Israel taken captive to Babylon after going against the status of God and commandments by worshiping idols.

They were taunted  by their captors, they were mocked and ridiculed... They dare them to sing the song of their highly esteem  God. What a shame.

There was no joy in their heart to sing... The song God had requested from them in His holy temple which they refused is the same song their captors requested from them to entertain themselves...

Thier soberness, grieve and regret didn't pave way for their immediate release from captive, they completed their set time in slavery... And many who went to slavery didn't come back..

Samson regretted ever disobeying his parent by going after a strange woman. His eyes was removed, his power was stripped from him... His last prayer didn't restore his eyes, neither did it save him from death.

Judas regretted ever betraying Jesus Christ the Lord, after collecting 30 pieces of silver, but it didn't changed anything.. He rather hanged himself.

The death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ which brought salvation to mankind didn't restore everything we lost in the garden of Eden.

1. It didn't restore the opportunity of seeing God face to face.

2. It didn't immediately transform our life back to the life of innocence it was in the garden.

3. It didn't take away the labour in birth, neither does it stop us from dying or working hard before we eat. 

What has God told you to do but you refuse to do it?, God has given you instructions but you choose to satisfy your selfish desire... The regret when the consequences comes won't be palatable.

God may save you by His grace and the salvation through Christ Jesus, but the scares of sin will continue to remind you of your disobedience to God's commandment..

It is better to obey God now, than to regret for disobeying latter.

Always choose to obey God.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord forgive me for ever disobeying you in Jesus Christ name.

3. Give me the gave to always obey you in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.