What kind of soil is your heart?

Luke 8:11 “This is its meaning: The seed is God’s message to men.

The heart of a man is the engine room that guides the totality of man's life, both physical and spiritual, the body can act in a different way but the real intent and actions may still be locked up in the heart.

Jesus gave the parable of the sower, having much fruit and began to sow, some fell on the way, another on the rock another in the thorn and the last on a good land. The seed represent the word of the living God and the sower are the numerous preachers of the Gospel today, the different locations represents your heart.

What kind of soul is your heart?

1. On the way side
Luke  8:12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

These sets of people, though they are christians at one time, but when the  truth of the word is being preached, they never have it a thought, they reject it immediately, they reject devotionals, some do not even have a day of service, they are always tired of hearing the word, they believe personal growth is the best, yet they are still ignorant of the true word

2. The stony ground.

Luke 8:13
[13]The stony ground represents those who enjoy listening to sermons, but somehow the message never really gets through to them and doesn’t take root and grow. They know the message is true, and sort of believe for a while; but when the hot winds of persecution blow, they lose interest.

We have so many stony heart in the church today, they are the one that will shout when the word is being preached, they acknowledged the messages to be true, they perform all kinds of emotional display when the word is being preached, you will think they are being touched by the word.. But no, once they leave the place of the word, their life still remain the same. The word never have root in their heart.

They are also the type that will appear godly, they know the truth, they know the sins not to commit, but yet they find pleasure committing the same sin. They are never remorseful.

3.  Among thorns

Luke 8:14 The seed among the thorns represents those who listen and believe God’s words but whose faith afterwards is choked out by worry and riches and the responsibilities and pleasures of life. And so they are never able to help anyone else to believe the Good News.

They believe the word, they wish to follow it, but when temptations come, the word becomes swept away from their heart, they are choked with "what to eat what to drink, what to wear" they compromise their faith rather than waiting on God.. 

They are the believers who follow the patterns of the world and till believe they are Christians. Their watchword has always been "God understands" and "heaven helps those who help themselves", even when they know their actions in the office, in business, at school, in the church contradicts the words of God they hear.

They are also people who surround themselves with friends who are unbelievers, and when they wanted to act according to the word, the counsel of unbelievers choked them away.

4. Good land.

Luke 8:15 “But the good soil represents honest, good-hearted people. They listen to God’s words and cling to them and steadily spread them to others who also soon believe.”

These are truthful people who receives the word with all gladness and act accordingly, they are rooted in the word, they grow daily in the word, the word becomes evidence in all the ways of their life.

I ask again this morning, where does your heart belongs?, what kind of soil is your heart?

There is no problem with the seed being sowed, the problem is the kind of soil your heart possessed

You can never deceive God, even if you deceive your pastor or preacher with your emotional display of soberness when the word is being preached.

Several times, countless number of times you have been coming out for Altar call, do you not desire to grow?

How will God harvest fruits of salvation from the  land of your heart which the word has been sowed to?

Check your life today, where you are missing...if your heart is on the way side, Reposition your heart to be a good land, if your heart is  among the thorns, cut your relationship from ungodly friends, let your focus be on Christ and not the pleasure of this world. If your heart is a stony heart, ask and pray to God for a change...

The word is being preached, the seed has been sowed, don't let God meet you unfruitful.

God bless you.

Prayer key :

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of today is Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord reposition my heart to be a good land in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me to be fruitful in you in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.