Tolerance in God's will

Psalms  33:20 Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.  33:21 For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.

Tolerance is the  capacity to endure pain or hardship : endurance, fortitude, sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own.

A biblical word for 'tolerance' is 'patience'. Within the Bible, patience is not just 'passively waiting', but 'enduring suffering without retaliation'.

Being tolerance in God's will is accepting the risk involved, the pain, the delay in timing and trusting God for the best.

Consider a student in the school, who determined to be successful at the end of academic year. Such student will abide by the rules and regulations of the school, must attend lectures whether it is convenient for the student or not, whether the student like the lecturers or not, the success of such student depends on accepting the terms and conditions of  the school..

In like manner is for anyone who wish to succeed in God must be tolerance with His terms and conditions.

Most of these terms and conditions are not always in agreement with our own choices and desires, but for the sake of succeeding in God, it is a must we must tolerate the pain, the delay in timing and obey everything he commanded us to do.

Abraham had tolerance in the will of God when he was asked to leave his father's home and country, even without understanding what the end result will be. 

Joseph had tolerance in the will of God for his life, he didn't compromise his faith and waiting period even when he had the chance to take a shortcut by sleeping with his master's wife, yet he endured the pain of going to prison. But when God's time came, he was honoured. 

Even the disciples of Christ exhibited tolerance in waiting for the promise of the Father after graduating from the school of theology of Christ Jesus. 

Today, are you tolerance with God's will for your life and destiny? 

In marriage, God asked you to wait, but because you think your mate has gone ahead of you, you choose to follow your heart, you are not tolerance 

As a minister of God and anointed for the service, He has promised you blessings, greatness and fame in your ministry, but because the timing is taking too long than necessary, you choose to follow the crowd and compromise the policies God gave you for your ministry... You are not tolerance. 

In prosperity, have you not compromise your faith in waiting for the right time of God?, have you not taken a wrong route to prosperity?, God asked you to wait and be steady with the little gain you are having now, but due to peer pressure, wrong influence from friends, you drop the instructions of God and go your own way...

Above all, in other to live godly here on earth and reign with God in eternity, you must be tolerance with the commandments of God in and waiting for His second coming no matter the pain, the persecution and hardship we may experience along the way. 

In tolerance, you obey, wait, trust and have faith. 

If you have gone out of God's will due to Impatience, there is still time to come back to His will, and save yourself the struggle of life. 

You can never succeed in God without tolerating God's terms and conditions. 

God bless you 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for overriding your terms and conditions for my life in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me to exhibit tolerance in your will for my life in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. AMEN.