Your extended family

Matthew 12:45 Then it goes out and brings along seven other spirits even worse than itself, and they come and live there. So when it is all over, that person is in a worse state than he was at the beginning. This is what will happen to the evil people of this day.”

As a single brother or sister ripe for marriage, your focus has always been on yourself and your family, but the moment you choose a life partner, a spouse and joined together in marriage, you automatically have an extended family.

Those you do not know before now becomes your family members, those you never thought of, or even dream of associating with now have access to your house and home...  The reason is the only one person you are joined with.

So also, before you got a car, you have no business with the mechanics, fuel station, vehicle inspection officers, road safety officers and many others... But the moment you purchase a car, you automatically have a relationship with them, either you like it or not... At some point you even choose your favourite... Just because you purchase a car.

In like manner, when you commit a single sin, you also automatically have relationship with several others, and many extended families.

The sin of hatred will bring in his sister called jealousy, jealousy will bring mischief and gossip, then to lies will invite robbery, then murder... And so on

What about the sin of fornication and adultery... They have corresponding family members... When you fornicate and have "unwanted" pregnancy, the first thing you will think of is abortion... And abortion can either invite death or termination of womb. Even if you use protection drugs, you are only killing yourself slowly and the more you do, the closer you are to Hell.

Let me ask you.

Who are your extended family?

The life of a man can never be empty, it's either filled with the Holy Spirit or the spirit of sin.

As the spirit of sin has extended family members, so also the Holy Spirit

When the Holy Spirit dwells in you, He will invite peace, joy, happiness, favour, blessing, power etc.. They will all dwell in you, imagine how glorious the life of that man would be.

Cheek your life, the spirit you allow in your life will determine the extended family you belong to.. You can't be married to sin and expect peace, joy, favour, glory of God and His grace to find their way into your life... They are never related

Some family member can destroy your life totally without remedy and some can make you great in life, so also that spirit of sin and its extended family can lead you to hell if you do not break the union between you both.

Consider the life of the man in the parable... The evil spirit was sent out of his life, just as the spirit of sin was casted out of you during repentance and salvation... But this man didn't grow by inviting the Holy spirit to dwell in him, so the heart becomes empty.

The evil spirit considers coming back, but this time not alone, with more powerful relations who are more dangerous than itself.

Is your heart not empty today?, the devil will never stop to come visit and check on your life to know if there could be a space to occupy.

The end of the man would be more terrible than before, if his life is found empty and void of the spirit and word of God.

Check your life today and reflect on this words.
I ask again who are your extended family members?

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, I break every union with sin in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, fill my heart with your spirit in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.