Talk and Do God

Ezekiel  12:25 For I am the LORD: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall be no more prolonged...

Our God is a talk and do God, whatever He says always come to pass, He has a track record of keeping His words from generation to generations.

He has power to decree and declare, to bring to existence and to wipe away from exsisting... He has power to kill and to make alive, He is the  ultimate creator through whom man invents from. Nothing is too hard for Him to do.

But today people tend to loose faith in God, after praying for several days without result, after fasting without testimonies, and being to many crusade grounds and received many promises from God, yet there is no evidence of fulfilment in their lives.

Because of this many stop praying, trusting and having faith in God, they have concluded God is not powerful to take away their reproach and wining thier battles for them... Many gave up on God

May I tell you today that God is still talk and do.

What has the Lord promised you and it has not come to pass, what has He said through prophecies and visions and you think it will not come to pass because you have waited so long?

Let me open your understanding.

Delays for God words

1. God's timing.

On several occasions we expect God to do Something instantly or expect His promises to come to pass at when we want it, but it negates God's rightful timing and purpose.

Our God is all knowing, He knows the end from the begining, He knows the right time for the manifestation of His promises in our lives... It may take long in our eyes but God always program His words according to His timing not ours... If you are in this phase, you have got to be more patient and trust the process.. The end is always beautiful..

2. Disobedience

Many are times God's promises and words delay in our life because of our disobedience to His words and laws which He has given unto us.
Deuteronomy  28:1 says  "And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:"

The promises and words of God concerning your life is with condition of if you still remain in His commandment and obey them diligently... Moving out of His laws will cost you time before His promises come to pass in your life.

Have you been trusting God for something and it has not come to pass?, trust His timing and examine if you are still in His will.

God is still talk and do, and whatever He says comes to pass in His own time.
Don't loose hope, don't faint in prayer, don't doubt His directing, He will bring to pass what He has promised.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.
2. Lord help me to trust in you with all my life in Jesus Christ name.
3. Lord, give me the grace to wait on you in Jesus Christ name.
4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.