Have you been to Jesus Christ?

Matthew  9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

Each day many of us face troubles, sickness, pain, setbacks, failure etc... We have been to people who we thought could be of help, many have been to the doctors but they were disappointed 

Many have seek help from family members, friends, colleagues but no one could be of help or have compassion on their persistent problem. 

Many  have been to religious gathering, mountain, prayer crusades  and deliverance centers to seek solution to their problem., but they have ever since been disappointed 

But have they  been to Christ Himself? 

Many who have been to crusade grounds only seek the "Man of God" but not "God of man". They believe their solution is only tied to the presence of the man of God.

Jesus Christ said, I am the way the truth and the life. No 
one receive anything from the father except through Him.

Before deliverance can happen, you must first have the conviction  withing you that it is only Jesus Christ that can help you, you must believe it is Christ you want to go and see and not the man of God on prayer grounds

Considering the woman with the flow of blood.

She had been with the flow of blood for the past twelve years with no solution, she had been to physicians, doctors, native doctors, she had climbed mountains and even birth in the river, she has spent all she have, being deceived by those who promised her solution, but she always got disappointed and her problem remain the same. Just like you.

But one day, she decided to meet Jesus Christ, the real miracle worker, she had heard of the wonders He has done... She didn't seek to look at the face of Jesus, nor to be identified by the disciples... But she activated faith in her heart that by touching His garment, she will be made clean... And it was so.

Today, have you been to Jesus Christ...? You may have been to crusade grounds, prophet and prophetess, you may have been to doctors and got disappointed... But have you been to Jesus Christ in your heart?

Do you believe either you see the man of God or not, Christ can heal you?

For you not to waste your time in problem and sorrow, you need to have faith, just like the woman, and decide to have a touch on the healing Jesus.

Before miracle can happen in any crusade ground, or with a man of God, it must first happen in your heart. "she thought in her heart she will be healed"

Have you been to Jesus Christ?... Now is the time

Don't deceive yourself anymore... Have that faith in you that Christ can do it for you, then pray, believe His words and receive your deliverance.

Prayer, fasting and going to crusade grounds without faith in God through Christ is a waste of time.

Think about it.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of a new day, new week and a new month in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, I believe you can heal me and solve my problem, please help me.

3. Take over my life Lord, and let it be your alone in Jesus Christ name

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen