When Jesus left, Christ Remain

Exodus  32:1 And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.

The manifestation of the person of Christ Jesus was first physical among the children of Israel, He was given birth to, grew up like Every human, though being God. He began His ministerial journey first by appointing His disciples, performed so many magnificent miracles, died on the cross for our sins, rose from the dead the third day to perfect the work of salvation and ascended to heaven in expectation that He is coming back again.

Though Jesus the son of the carpenter left the disciples at Galilee, but Christ the Messiah remained in them, they were filled in the Holyghost and continue in the propagation of the gospel, no wonder they were called Christians first at Anthoic because of the character of christ in them. 

The disciples were not mourning the absent of Jesus, rather they continue to celebrate the presence of Christ in them.

Unlike the children of Israel who saw mighty things God did through moses, the plagues in several folds, the blessing from the Egyptians, the dividing of the red sea and the manna from heaven's .

Yet, when moses being instructed by God to climb the mountain in other to receive the law tarried, they sort for another God, they inquire to erect an idol that signifies the god that brought them out of Egypt.

It was the presence of moses that facilitated thier faith In God, each of them never have deep conviction about the God of Abraham, isaac and Jacob they read about all along. Many of them perish with their lack of faith.

How about you?

Is your faith not facilitated by the presence of your parent mentor, teacher, pastor, prophet or apostle after so many teachings, grooming and understanding from the words of God you have received? 

Do you not change in character after being separated from your parent or changing locations where those who you are in faith together could not reach you? 

Do you have this personal unbroken relationship with God?, 

Joseph, after being thought in the ways of God by his father did not depart from the way of righteousness when he find himself in a foreign land with no hope of coming back home again. 

He never forget the God of his father, though he was lonely in a foreign land but he still felt the presence of the God of his father... (Geneses 39:9)

If your mentor should die or forsake you today, do you still have a God?
If your prophet or General Oversea be called into glory today, do you still have the presence of God in you? 

If the churches become closed today, do you still have the temple of God in your heart? 

Jesus the son of the carpenter left the disciples, but they make sure that  Christ the Messiah remains in them. 

Even as Christ tarries like moses today, are you not looking for another God?, have you not backslided from the laws and commandment of God? 

Are you not tired of the services, prayer sessions, the fasting, the dos and don't that binds your faith? 

Just when children of Israel did not noticed, moses appeared, so also will the son of man appeared in the sky. 

Will Christ still be in you when He shall come again? 

Be vigilant, prayerful and hopeful so He can find you faithful when He shall return. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, let me have a personal encounter with you in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me to remain faithful till death or  your second coming in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you God for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.