Bad Associates

1 Corinthians  15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

There was once a sister I know, who was very dedicated to the things of God, brought up in a godly home and fed with the true words of God, all through her grown up till she finishes high school, she happens to be a good example of a typical godly child.

But the story changed when she got admitted to the college/University, it all started with those who were peered together with her as roommates, no doubt they never new  christ and have gone deep into sin.

In her innocent, she thought she could win them over to christ, she tried  in her own capacity but their consistent influence overpowered her believe in Christ.

Gradually she walks into sin, a daughter of zion becomes a full citizen of Sodom and Gomarah, someone who is tutored by Esther, Mary mother of Jesus, Hannah mother of Samuel now have Jezebel as mentor and role model. She was warned before hand, but she couldn't listen.

 Her life was  totally destroyed in immoralities, they redefined her destiny contrary to the plans of God for her life. That was an example of bad association.

The question God is asking you today is, "who are you associating with? ,  who are you moving with? , who are you keeping company with? , who are you having intimacy with? "

Apostle Paul was teaching the believers at Corinth to beware of having a communication, association, or relationship with evil people, that in doing so, their good manners, good intentions, their godly desires will become corrupted and turn to evil.

So many believers, especially the youth who misbehave today didn't just think of it as a decision, it all started in a day through bad influence... Some where influenced unto drugs, some into robbery/fraudulent activities, some into fornication, lesbianism/gay...  They keep feeding themselves with all this and they become master of it.

Some mistakes many make is that, most time these bad associates disguise as good friends and believers, but what proceeds out of their heart is evil... In associating with them they loose gaud and fall into the wrong hands. 

Apostle Paul said in  1 Corinthians  5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

Consider the word "brother",  someone who is recognised as a Christian but keep telling you sex before marriage is not bad, that telling lies before getting a job is being smart, or little wine is good for the body, or padding company account is "just helping yourself out if a situation etc, apostle Paul said do not keep company with them, don't Evan eat their food because their food or offer is dangerous to your spiritual life.

Check yourself now, you know you are not this bad before, you know how well you are vibrant in the place of prayer, you know how intimate you are with God before... But now you are long gone in sin due to bad associate. 

It is not over, this word is coming to you as a redemption for your soul, spirit and body... 

Come out of them the bible says, break that relationship with them today no matter what it will cost you, either in school, at your place of work and in the society 

Confess your sins before God and turn away from sin, find a good counsellor who is rooted in the word of God to help you rediscover yourself in God, associate with believers who will help you grow in the spirit. 

it is better to loose their relationship here on earth than to loose your soul in hell. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me if all my sins and wicked ways in Jesus Christ name 

3. Lord, help me to live the rest of my life in you and for you in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.