Your horrible Yesterday, not your Tomorrow

Judges  11:1 Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valour, and he was the son of an harlot: and Gilead begat Jephthah.

The progression of life often  determined by the precedence of the day or years before. Either good or bad, a building foundation can determine the strength of the whole building... The effort of yesterday can project what tomorrow will look like..

But when it comes to the program of God, anything can happen, the yesterday does not have clue of what tomorrow will be, neither does a firm and good foundation will determine the strength and integrity of a building.

Judging from the story of Jephthah, a mighty man of valour as recorded in the scripture, but he was a son of a harlot

His birth was not planned, his parent never have mutual agreement of getting married, he was a product of adultery, in fact he was an unwanted pregnancy whose mother decided not to abort.

To make matter worse, he was rejected by his Brethren, he was hated and sent out of the family. The shame, the stigma and the reproach all came from his blood.

When they were focusing on inheritance, he. Was focusing on becoming great in life, he never let that weakens his spirit, he accepted himself being the son of an harlot, but never let that weigh him down.

The beautiful tomorrow came after a horrible yesterday, he was looked for, the whole family sort for him, so as to fight against their enemy. Not only did he become their commander-in-chief, but also become their king... What a loving God.

What is your horrible yesterday?

It's true you have failed, it's true your foundation is faulty, it's true your family have issues, it's true have been rejected, but that shouldn't not stop you from witnessing a beautiful tomorrow that awaits you.

Regretting over a horrible yesterday in today will robb you off the beautiful tomorrow. Get yourself together and trust God who can change the story of a man withing a second.

Joseph was once a prisoner, but he later became a prime minister, He was never known again as a prisoner

Mary Magdalena was once possessed with devil, but she mater became a devoted follower of Christ.

Whatever you have been through, no matter how sad, bad, horrible or stinking your yesterday is, it will not determine your tomorrow if you believe in God.

Jephthah didn't stop believing in the God is Israel in all the process. If you trust God enough, He will change your horrible situation to a beautiful one.

Just believe and trust Him. Your horrible yesterday is not your tomorrow.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, I acknowledge my horrible past, Lord let it not determine my tomorrow in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord I trust you, change my situation for the better in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.