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Luke 17:1 “There will always be temptations to sin,” Jesus said one day to his disciples, “but woe to the man who does the tempting.

The journey of a Christian life has always been attacked  with loads of temptations, offences, false accusations and persecutions which can force a believer to fall off the path of salvation... All these are orchestrated by the devil in other to pull down the mighty works of Christ's salvation. 

In verse 1, Jesus turns to the disciples in order to warn them concerning what is about to come to them in future time, Satan will use deceived men to tempt the disciples to fall away. If the disciples are inclined to believe the deceptions of satan 

Today there are many deceptions of the devil parading in the society and even the churches ... There are many who has raised up themselves as agent of temptations in other to pull the faithful down from the path of salvation. 

There are many mentors, leaders of the gospel who has caused their mentee or follower who believed so much in them to sin due to their lustful desires and half baked salvation they received. 

Hear what the Lord says 

Luke 17:1-2
[1]“There will always be temptations to sin,” Jesus said one day to his disciples, “but woe to the man who does the tempting. 
[2](2-3) If he were thrown into the sea with a huge rock tied to his neck, he would be far better off than facing the punishment in store for those who harm these little children’s souls. I am warning you!
“Rebuke your brother if he sins, and forgive him if he is sorry. 

There are many children in the Lord who are yet to become grown up in the word, some are still being fed with milk of the understanding of God's character, but you chose to cause them to sin, in their innocence they believed you... The judgment of God is coming upon you if you do not repent. 

How do you become an agent of temptation?

1. Deliberate act 

Balaam the prophet employed by Balak King of moab could not curse the people after God had changed the words of his mouth to blessing but suggested the children of Israel could be made to sin so as  to attract God's punishment upon them.. 

So also are some people who has establish themselves deliberately as agents of temptation in other to pull the faithful down... They know the truth but decided to do otherwise. 

Many them look for faults in the life of a minister of God, many joined the ministry not for a good intention but to destroy he good works God is doing... Let it be known today that God will judge you if you don't repent. 

2. Unguided lustful  desires 

These are sets of people who could not bridle their lustful desires and becomes predators over the gullible faithfuls in Christ 

They celebrate premarital sex, not because they don't know its a sin but because of the evil act they want to accomplish, 

They celebrate ungodly dresses that leave open parts of the body that should be covered up, through this many brothers has been triggered to sin. 

What about the Guardians, Uncles and Aunties who has manipulated the minds of the little ones kept under their care into all manners of sinful act. 

Many also are church leaders who through counseling and false teachings has manipulated the minds of their followers just to fulfill their own lustful desires. 

Meanwhile the righteous though if fallen into temptations can be delivered by the hand of God's mercy, but woe to the one who does the tempting. 

Check your life, how many people have you sent to hell or sending to hell due to your actions and behaviours. 

Today is the day to repent before the anger of the Lord descend upon you. 

Unto every single single soul you made to sin, God will judge you for it.

Repent before it is too late. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for the grace of seeing another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for being an obstacle to many in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me to live an exemplary life of righteousness in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.