The Shiloh Journey

1 Samuel  1:5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb.  1:6 And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the LORD had shut up her womb.  1:7 And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the LORD, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat.

Shiloh was an ancient city and sanctuary in Samaria. According to the Hebrew Bible, Shiloh was the central sanctuary of the Israelites during the pre-monarchic period, before the First Temple in Jerusalem was built. 

Hannah the wife of Elikanah was without a child for many years, as a mandated act of worship, her household would go to shiloh once in a year to serve God, and  of this years she would pour her heart out to God in a bid to have a child she can call her won. 

She kept doing this for many years yet her prayers had no answer, the number of years she had been going to shiloh was not known but it can be assumed from the number of children her rival had....  

Elikanah's response in verse 8 gave an understanding that peninnah had up to ten sons and some daughters...1 Samuel  1:8 Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?. 
This can be easily calculated if there is just a year difference between them, then Hannah would have been going to shiloh for more than ten years. 

Hannah should have been discouraged in going to shiloh to worship God since she has been doing that for a number of years without her prayers being answered. 

She could have concluded in her heart that God didn't call Eli the high priest because there is no evidence of testimony in her life, just as many do today by either changing a place of worship or conclude in their heart that their minister or prophet are not called by God. 

Year after year her situation becomes worse, first, it was an embarrassment in Israel for a woman to be childless. secondly, her rival wife make life unbearable for her in the home. But she never let the circumstances around her weakened her spirit from seeking the face of God yearly... 

At the appointed year that her prayer would be answered, she didn't stayed back home, neither did she forget to pray as usual.  While praying, the high priest called her a drunkard. This statement should have discouraged her and made her more angry, but her resilience and focus on God gave her a calming spirit, her prayer got sealed and her child approved.  Her trouble and bareness ended that day. 

How many years have you been going to shiloh? 
How many years have you been praying for a child? 
How many mountains have you climbed seeking God's face for a blessing? 
How many crusade ground have you visited and yet your situation remain the same? 

You are still in your journey to shiloh, it was not a pleasant journey for Hannah every year, because it is always filled with sorrow and weeping, but it ended one day. 

Are you feeling tired 
Are you on the verge of quitting on God? 
Is your faith shaking? 

Don't give up, the journey of sorrow is about to end
The journey of failure and disappointment is about to end 
Keep praying, keep your hope alive and keep your faith strong. 

Your blessing is at the door. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, I trust you that you are the only one that can help me... Let me not be put to shame in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, give me the grace to have faith in you till the end in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.