God's still small voice

1 Kings  19:12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

Elijah had just faced the greatest persecution of his life from the hand of Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, so he fled to a cave out of fear. 

God appeared to him and asked him to go to the mountain where He would meet him.  The move of God  made a great wind to tore the mountain which was proceeded by a fire and an earthquake... But God didn't speak in any of this as Elijah would have expected...  It was in a still small voice. 

God does not need to appear in great physical events as earthquakes, fire and even wind in order to initiate His work. His power can be concealed behind a whisper.

Many believers today has lost communication with God because they try to formulate the mode which God must speak to them.. 

Many have lost their blessings and answered prayer because they try to underestimate the channel of God's move in their life... They are focusing on the fire through the great and renowned anointed men of God called to open crusades, whereas God wants to speak to them through the shepard in their local church. 

Some believers complain today that God is silent in their life whereas God has been speaking, but they are the one not listening. God does not have one channel of communication, he does have several ways he communicate to man. 

God speaks through the circumstances around you, he speaks through visions, dreams, prophesies, teaching, children, music among others.. Not until you get to a crusade ground or on the mountain before you hear God speak 

Elijah would have been distracted from hearing the voice of God if he had given attention to the wind, fire and earthquake... Sometimes they represent the troubles we are going through, we prayed and fasted but God is not speaking... All we have to do is to sit back, take away our attention from the raging storm and be keen to his still small voice. 

Have you not lost communication with God today? 

God speaks, are you listening? 

 God does not need to be loud and boisterous, He Does not  need to scream at us neither does he need to yell at us to get us to move. Sometimes  God just need to whisper or speak in a soft voice to get our attention

Whenever he speaks be patient enough to listen so as not to miss your blessings and His directions. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord forgive me for not listening when you speak in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, give me a listening ears in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ NAME. AMEN.